staining on Granite Tiles

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still drying out but it looks like some have a dreaded grey shadow so looks like i will be digging up 20 tiles this weekend !!!:incazzato:
still drying out but it looks like some have a dreaded grey shadow so looks like i will be digging up 20 tiles this weekend !!!:incazzato:
What adhesive have you used and how thick is it ?
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adhesive was super flexible buildfix (grey!!) thickness varies but is around 10mm ,around 2-3 tiles have what i think have now dried leaving a greyish blob where the tile was not buttered fully to the edges. was wondering wheather using an ager might just blend it all in as when they look really wet the grey shadow cannot be seen as much ?
did you back spread the tiles when fitting them as this is essential when fitting the lighter coloured granites
hi, yes buttered the backs but not to full coverage unfortunatly learnt a lot since I put them down!!
located in aldershot.
they are still drying so will give the tiles a stay of excecution for another week. will try and post some photos over the weekend

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This as a rule of thumb:

Natural stones of white/greywhite/yellow/green/blue, and especially when they are thin, means:
a) take a white addy made especially for natural stones and with fast setting, class C2F or C2FT or C2FTE. Those addys can bind a certain amount of water which minders the danger of discolouration as only less moisture can creep through the stone. Best would be an addy that contains fine trass in addition, trass can bind free calcium what minders the danger of getting calcium carbonate spots.
b) always butter the back in addition to avoid seeing the comb.

Naturals stones of red/greyred/black
a) when thin take the a.m. addy
b) when thick, starting with a thickness > 1,6 cm, and substrate is dry, can also be laid with a grey tile adhesive, we recommand not to go below class C2.

For slate or black granites we recommand grey addy not below class C2 and flexibility class S1. Slate because "fat"-feel, S1 addy sticks better to that. Black granites for more flexibility when laid in sunny areas.

With UFH all a.m. addys with S1 flexibility minimum.

Our clients had followed the a.m. rules of thumb for years, we have no complaints. :thumbsup::hurray:


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