Starting out

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good afternoon
Start my course in 3 days (been like a kid before christmas lol) and iv been selling bits and bobs on ebay from my garage. With the intent on then buying my tools off ebay I cant afford brand new tackle at moment.

My question is Rubi stuff seems to be the gear to have and dewalt etc.
Are there some cheaper alternatives?

Any help would be appreciated
Write a list of what tools you wish to purchase and then we can give better response.
Yes Rubi are "the Tilers" tools but there are other alternatives.
Rubi are "the tilers" tools Neale but sigma are "the professional" tilers tools.

I wont know exactly till iv started my course and i have read the tileing tools thread. But just wanted to get the basics before the wife notices theres money in the paypal account lol
Dont think that ebay will be the best bet, I have seen tools massively overpriced on that site.

Trade tiler would be my first port of call.

i would pay the price on rubi as it will last as a professional tiler, my rubis are years old and still work as new, they dont look it though

dewalt is over rated and and overpriced, when dewalt were introduced they were quality tools that would last a lifetime. not so now

look for blue bosch,makita, hitachi there are other makes but these give good value for money and are readily available

avoid the cheap end as these are diy tools that will break up with continous use

wickes grey range are made by panasonic and are the same interrnally
Good luck with the course m8. I started off with forge steel trowels, spirit levels, set square etc from screwfix, also bought dust sheets, rhino bucket, chinky pencils, Silicon gun, spacers etc from trade tiler. The only things I bought initially that were rubi was a ND180BL wet cutter £95 and a TI66S Straight cutter £195 and built and upgraded as I went along, but I'm still using the same cutters. Rubi may be expensive but they do what they say on the tin.

ETL Pro Tiling
Ok best to wait and get rubi then? just put the car up for sale as well so will sython some money from that lol. Tradetiler is cheaper than ebay then alot off stuff that i have checked
Makita grinders everytime:thumbsup:
Rubi manual and wet cutters:thumbsup:
Rubi stainless steel trowels and nippers:thumbsup:
Marshalltown squigees:thumbsup:
Tyzak gauging trowels:thumbsup:
Panoply overalls:thumbsup:
Stabila levels:thumbsup:
Dewalt or Stabila laser levels
Karl Dahm wash boys:thumbsup:

Owt else??:lol:


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