Struggling for leads - Am I doing something wrong?

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Don't just stick to the obvious outlets, leaflets or business cards, try hire centres, tyre centres and other places where the public visit.

Maybe worth a try:thumbsup:
hi steve. happy for ur 3th 1 mate. if u realy worried, just wrk part time somewhere. but no matter what give up what u like. surely a year happy customer will bring u some more bussines. start charge less. especialy for local contractors. try not to tell anyone that you have 1 year experience. it could put ppl off. i have gone tru sum hard time steve. gud luck mate. isa
Hello Steve,

If You've got a sign written van park it outside B & Q on a saturday, or your local topps tiles. And park it somewhere prominent during the week, like near a busy set of traffic lights, so people have time to write your number down. If you're working out of your car get some magnetic signs made up. You can buy and design your own online and get them delivered all for under £20...Very cheap advertising.

I've only been tiling since last July and am getting a bit of business this way.

All the best mate and good luck with your hat trick - Brendan.
Once, when I first started, I wandered around B & Q tile area one Sunday looking for likely customers. I saw a couple looking at tiles, introduced myself with "are you looking for a tiler" and gave them my business card. 3 hours later I had done the survey and won the job. Worth a try
"Not sure what area you are in but here is the link to my own local planning office to give you an idea how usefull they might be to you

Planning weekly lists

some online portals are better than others of course but all of the information is in the public domain so if it is not online you can go to the planning office and look through the planning ledgers. I have done it both ways in different areas. If you go to the offices and look through the ledgers be sure to take a pen and paper so you can write down the details you need."

I've been through the local authority sites as suggested. I made a list of 100 possible clients!! Send 20 letters out end of last week. already had 2 calls to quote for. Thanks for the tip!!!:8::thumbsup: Its early days but this could be a potential goldmine!! Woohoo!!!
Am I missing something? Am I doing something wrong?

Where does everyone else get leads from?


Hi Steve welcome to the forum, been away from it myself for quite a while. Basically I am in pretty much the same position, maybe even worse, lots of debt, no work, 3 children, 1 wife (at the mo). Been self employed for much much longer than you though. Yes, Jan and Feb are the worst months being SE and things can seem like they are never going to get better. The only positive peice of advice that I can give you is to try and stay positive, when you do start getting leads in. When you are feeling down and talking to prospective clients, it will showto them that something is wrong.
As for myself, I am now looking for a full time job, and still do the tiling on a part time basis - the bills still need to be paid.
Anyway thats my thoughts - keep strong

Any business his hard to begin with, like raising children your young business needs to crawl before it can walk, it takes a lot of input for small rewards, eventualy if you do the input it will be up and running, its hard but the end result will be worth the struggle, in the long run the business will then be suporting you. Always put in 100% anything less is not going to pay back, i know its a bit late now steve but for anyone else considering self employment, you should work this into your business plan. Good luck steve with the tiling and the family its hard but i'm sure it will work out for you, stay positive,..........................Alby :thumbsup:
Any business his hard to begin with, like raising children your young business needs to crawl before it can walk, it takes a lot of input for small rewards, eventualy if you do the input it will be up and running, its hard but the end result will be worth the struggle, in the long run the business will then be suporting you. Always put in 100% anything less is not going to pay back, i know its a bit late now steve but for anyone else considering self employment, you should work this into your business plan. Good luck steve with the tiling and the family its hard but i'm sure it will work out for you, stay positive,..........................Alby :thumbsup:

I agree with Alby. Things are not good for a lot of people just now. But hopefully things will pick up soon. Good luck mate:thumbsup:


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