Last October while in the middle of my tiling course I recieved a phone call from a charity "The Forresters Fund For Children" they told me I could advertise in their booklet which was going to be distributed to all residential and business addresses in my area. At the time I was wondering how I was going to reach all my prospective clients and thought this would be ideal as being associated with a reputible charity would make me look like an honest, caring person (which I am by the way).
I was just about to start out and was nieve, all this advertising for £349 bargain.
I agreed and was promptly phoned back to confirm the order, but this time the call was being recorded wheras the sales call had not been. Alarm bells should have started to ring but didn't as I'm a trusting soul (or fool).
A couple of weeks later received a proof through the post showing my advert and looked good and proffessionally done only now correspondance was coming from a company called Vardis. It appears Vardis do all the charities admin, sales etc, still no alarm bells.
I hadn't heard anything for about 6 weeks so I called them to ask when the booklets would be going out, only to be told that they are distributed on an area to area basis over the course of the year and that they go to hospitals, dentists waiting rooms and are sold at charity events and won't be going to everyone in my area at all.
I phoned a couple of the other adverts in the booklet, one lady had gone out of business as she'd paid up front to take advantage of their discount, this had been all the money she had set aside for advertising, another small business I contacted had received the same sales speil as me but thankfully like me hasn't parted with a penny yet.
Next step I contacted the manager at Vardis explaining how I and others had been mis-sold this advertising, after some discussion he reduced my bill to £150 but as I explained to him why should I pay anything for this as it isn't going to reach my target audience, therefore won't give me a return, he just kept telling me that it was for charity and he thinks the reduction is more than genourous.
I don't want to appear heartless and that I'm stiffing a charity but I feel I have to make a stand against their unscrupulis methods so I've contacted Trading Standards. Hope they can sort it out but I fear because the sales call wasn't recorded it's me and the advertiser in my areas word against theirs and they have a recording of us agreeing on the return call.
Anyone else been duped or am I the only idiot on here
ETL Pro Tiling