tell me what you'd charge

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Mine was the same as Dev and Bri,I don't even think thats expensive.I remember once a bloke I know only by friend of a friend asked me to do his splashback for him,it wasn't big and thought I could do it easily in a day at the weekend as he wanted it done quickly.I had spare materials and said as a favour I'd do it for £100 including mats(I was feeling generous).:whatchutalkingabout He was gobsmacked "How much?"God thats expensive!
"How much did you think I'd charge?"
"About £50."
I told him the mats would cost him at least half of that.He said he'll leave it and I just laughed.

Think he had a few tilers round to quote cause he called me up 2 days later friendly as hell"Hey mate when can you come round to do my kitchen mate?"

"Too busy mate,you should have bitten my hand off when I offered,to be honest the way you were with me I'd want double.:lol:That put a big smile on my face.

I never lower my prices even if they promise me more work.
I had one last week 15m2 walls ( mosaic) 12m2 floor ( polished porcelain ) quoted £700 including addy , grout. Gave him a call today to see if he wanted to go ahead - " no sorry mate your price was a a bit high got someone in for £450", And i thought my prices were cheap. jeez, what can you do! :whatchutalkingabout
I type this with my tongue in cheek ,so please don't be offended if you don't like what i have to say.
The building trade is dying on its arse at the moment and the days of getting a figure in your head and doubling it are over,if it has'nt hit you yet believe me it will soon ,iv'e seen it before during the recesion of the early 90's and while you think that your prices are low now in 12 months time you will have to drop them just to compete,after reading things on this forum for the past few months ,i actually thought lets see how a far i get pricing the way these guys say they do,so i priced a job based on figures i have read here and guess what i never got it ,in the 18yrs i have been tiling that is the first job i have ever missed out on,to be honest i never really wanted the job and thats why i priced it that way.
The next jobs i priced a retirement village in skemersdale and a nursing home in southport i got within a day of pricing.
People can blame the polish as much as they want but at the end of the day the one's i have come across do a fair day's work for a fair days pay and when the credit crunch really hits the people who are charging the earth for their "skill" ,will be desperate to work,even for the money the polish work for.

Please believe me it will happen:thumbsup:
ah thats the problem
some of them poles are 1st class tradesmen
some are, most arent ,ask most of these guys what they can do and you will get a list of trades from dry lining down to car mechanics and animal husbandry i have met a few good guys to be fair but most i have encounterd are chancers
I seen a floor tiled by a pole last week look like he chewwed the tiles around the
some are, most arent ,ask most of these guys what they can do and you will get a list of trades from dry lining down to car mechanics and animal husbandry i have met a few good guys to be fair but most i have encounterd are chancers
i did a coke cola factory just outside Krakow a few years back i had 7 local lads working for me (200 x 200 quarry's ) you couldn't fault there work nice lads too
I type this with my tongue in cheek ,so please don't be offended if you don't like what i have to say.
The building trade is dying on its arse at the moment and the days of getting a figure in your head and doubling it are over,if it has'nt hit you yet believe me it will soon ,iv'e seen it before during the recesion of the early 90's and while you think that your prices are low now in 12 months time you will have to drop them just to compete,after reading things on this forum for the past few months ,i actually thought lets see how a far i get pricing the way these guys say they do,so i priced a job based on figures i have read here and guess what i never got it ,in the 18yrs i have been tiling that is the first job i have ever missed out on,to be honest i never really wanted the job and thats why i priced it that way.
The next jobs i priced a retirement village in skemersdale and a nursing home in southport i got within a day of pricing.
People can blame the polish as much as they want but at the end of the day the one's i have come across do a fair day's work for a fair days pay and when the credit crunch really hits the people who are charging the earth for their "skill" ,will be desperate to work,even for the money the polish work for.

Please believe me it will happen:thumbsup:

Its hard to believe that in 18yrs you have never missed out on 1 job / pretty good salesman if thats the case :hurray:. Sick of hearing about this ' credit crunch ' now . Yes times are tough and they will probably get tougher. But what goes down must come up. I think the country is better prepared this time around and i dont believe things will be as bad as all the doommongers make out. Dont get me wrong i have posted a couple of times moaning about cheap tilers/ industry failing etc etc but what can you do, Just got 2 keep plodding on. things will get better.:yes:
there is a serious serious serious recession kicking in and i dont think people have really grasped how serious it is going to get and how early we are into it.

and before anybody says 'be positive' its be realistic thats the new buzz word!

i have been following this and watching the trends for the last year. i have contstanly warned friends of mine for for the last year about how quickly the housing market can collapse (japan 98) usa now!!! and that unfortunately hits the building market instantly!! cant borrow = cant build simply economics....the days of 150-200 a day are now showing the signs of crashing also...dont be surprised if we are back down to 60 a day within the next year..thats how quick a collapse happens. economics disasters are like natural disasters, they dont give you a warning.

this really needs to be heeded because if you are basing your business plan on hope and positivity rather than foresight and efficient planning then you are going to be hit hard this coming year..when you get the likes of alan sugar, theo pathitas and bill gates saying that the next 2 years are going to be very difficult, then you sit up and take note.

finally marks price is fair but watch the prices tumble as mz30 says. the next few years ahead will make the 90's look like a picnic..

anyway, who thinks liverpool are going to win the league now that we've got david villa lol lol

seriously , not trying to put everyone on a downer but be prepared and get real. if you cant afford to live on less than 80 a day then maybe a job or subsider job wiould be the next financial advisors are all saying the same. its gonna get much worse in the next year, so be prepared for a wage reality check. we've had the good times, now its time for the not so good times
hi grumps

i know you and alot of people on here have only got into the building world over the last couple of years but £60 a day was being paid around 98-99, so its not that difficult to see that happening again. theres lots of people earning 100 aday now and theres lots charging 80, so be warned pal, it really can happen very very easily...if you are an accountant then your lucky, you have a great profession to fall back into!


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