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doug boardley

plainly I think it's an indication of commitment to a cause, ie promoting good tiling practice and sharing your experiences. Imagine if a newbie came on wanting a quick answer.....we're all in plain text, no badges, no status or whatever,,it'd take them hours if not days to read through all the topics and threads from people of varying degrees of experience. I'm not saying a "special badge" gives you more experience than the next new member that comes along, but what it does do is make you instantly recognisable as a "stayer" on the forum and has stood up amongst his/her peers and been accepted and scrutinized, or of course they could just go through yellow pages and stick a pin in a name..


Yeah I see what you are saying, I felt a bit like that when I first joined. When you get to know the regulars and contribute quite often, that feeling soon disappears. All friendly folk on here, so give advice and take it as well. If you know something then post it, there are always going to be a few different opinions so, bear that in mind.

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Mike Mike

i absolutly agree, badges are good. But some times if member with no badge give GOOD advice, he would be ignored ( no badge-does not mean - tiler begginer)

I think it's a question of standing your ground. If you post some advice which you know is right, and someone, whether they have badges or not, contradicts you, stand your ground (if you feel aggrieved) in an assertive, but polite way - humour is often good to avoid coming across as confrontational.

Both alternative approaches may lead to the right result, just different in approach, but it doesn't mean that yours is less valid than the other person's, even if they have no idea what you're talking about because they've never heard of, or used the equipment or materials you're suggesting.

For example, I will take the Pepsi Taste Test with anyone on this site when it comes to floor prep, because I lay all kinds of different flooring, all of which are much more sensitive to poor prep than tiling is.

Time's Ran Out

why do you have to have all these titles anyway, why cant everyone just be plain, do you think it makes you a better tiler/person, or is it just psychology guys ?

Tom - I see in your location that you are from 'wonderland' and I was just trying to figure out which character you were? But then I realised there were no communists in that story and everyone had an individual identity. :smilewinkgrin:
When I was in the cubs, I did an Audey Murphy and became the most decorated cub in my pack, and in the days when I went to school I was disappointed with 2 A levels and 10 O levels as it didn't get me into University to study Architecture. So when I stumbled into tiling 39 years ago it meant I had to be the best I could for only 1 person - ME!
So if I'am one of the arrogant badge holders (that's been on this great forum for over 3 years and 6000+ posts) then thank you very much for your kind thoughts, and perhaps when you are prepared to give your free time to help our trade become recognised for the quality and service that some try to achieve, then you may also be rewarded with a Green badge or title as a mark of respect from your peers.
I for one am extremely proud to be a member of Tilers Forum and if there is something I can add to a thread I - type, if it's already been said I - 'like', and if it's appropriate I - 'Thank You'.
But finally, what the forum does allow is discussion so - Thank you (now I'am off to collect my pension) - Have a good day all!

Diamond Pool Finishers

John i would aspire to be the mad-hatter lol, and just to put the record straight i have no communist political beliefs ,as for individual identities i thought that was why we all have name's,as for the cub's same as here
but moved-up to the scouts as a seconder then patrol leader,then moved in to venter scout's, with school just CSE'S for me as i'am dyslexic ,i went in to plastering /tiling just for work as a friend got me a start,then i grew to love -it, nobody said all badge holders were arrogant , and there is no doubt in my mind that the forum is a good one, it's up to you if you want to call yourself arrogant,i do give lots of free-time to training people ,but i don't feel the need to be recognised as i consider it just PUTTING BACK SOMETHING to a trade , and i 'am glad you are proud John,this is what we are doing just putting it out there for discussion this is what a forum is for ,but as with police/army/navy it is all about keeping peeps in line,and dominating them ,and i feel there can be a bit of a negative air in this respect ,i 'am sure some newbees are put off by all the pomp and glory of it,that is all i'am saying.......

Time's Ran Out

Sorry Tom but it's got nothing to do with 'keeping people in line' - the rules of the forum are there so it runs smoothly and no bad feeling/offence is caused.
If you wish to give advice then that's great, but this forum has been running longer than your 1 month of membership and those with the badges have contributed to it's development. So don't pre judge the written word as arrogant as not all communication mediums are translated in the tone of intention and can sometimes be found in the mind of the reader:smilewinkgrin:
I was advised by that great wall and floor tiler DH Tiling (formerly known as Dave) to think twice before 'submit reply' and it has been very good advice as I'am still here!
However one point that your comments have made me aware - I don't advise as much as I used too - and I feel that may be because of members like yourself. New life keeps the whole system turning and it's good to read the same questions being asked and answered again, and often in a different way. So stay involved in the Best Tilers Forum, enjoy the benefits it can bring, promote yourself and your business to those looking and remember that 'Submit Reply' button.
No one forces a name tag on you. Funnily enough not many people have ever mentioned this before ..if anyone ?

Thank you for a bit of common sense Neil.

No sense in getting hung up over titles - there is a propensity within this Forum for people to get very upset whenever a discussion starts that requires opinion rather than fact. Thats how wars get started. (In my honest opinion........)


,but as with police/army/navy it is all about keeping peeps in line,and dominating them ,and i feel there can be a bit of a negative air in this respect ,i 'am sure some newbees are put off by all the pomp and glory of it,that is all i'am saying.......

Tom have you been in any of these services that you mention? I'm sorry but i actually take some offence to what you are saying here. I served for a little over 5 years in this countries fine Army. At no point did i feel kept "in-line" or "dominated"! Discipline, integrity and respect are a few of the things the Army taught me. Something i'm beginning to feel you have none of.


Well this is a spikey subject! I have never really thought about it much. I am (as well as all members with badges) very very proud of mine and I will tell you why. This forum has some of the best tilers and tradesmen in the world as its members and these people think that I am worthy of these titles. It does not mean that I am a better tiler than a new member but it doesnt mean that I have proved myself and that I know what i am on about and also that I have given a lot of my spare time to this forum, that i think deserves a bit of respect as a lot of people will only use this site to get their info and are not interested in giving anything back.

Lets not just down each others throats here, i would be interested to hear from more new members about what they think but to be honest I am slightly saddened that you seem to think that it is a boys club type thing. Every member with the red, green and/or blue badges have stood out from the thousands of others members and well and truly deserve them.

Colour Republic

don't take it personally allgage, it's a forum where we are discussing the subject , i have not said its a bad thing, just lets think about all this stuff and in relation to our own live's, take a read of this, not my views just out there for discussion chill your bean's

Dangers of Brainwashing by Barry Nirmal ([url][/URL]

then let me know your thoughts

Do you not find it slighty ironic that the person you linked to mentions just some of the recognition and awards he has won?


acton w3, london
Tom have you been in any of these services that you mention? I'm sorry but i actually take some offence to what you are saying here. I served for a little over 5 years in this countries fine Army. At no point did i feel kept "in-line" or "dominated"! Discipline, integrity and respect are a few of the things the Army taught me. Something i'm beginning to feel you have none of.

Nice, i have served in army for about 5 years, 2 years in seargent school (seargent/instructor) DSC_0207.jpg :thumbsup:


i can see the points in the badges,it don't upset me at all,some top quality tradesmen on here.

i can't post a lot,wife goes mad when im on the laptop all the time, kids wanting to play,me going pub,me going training(which by the way,my body is killing me from wednsdays sparring,i am too too old)oh aye and me working ;)

when i do come on i feel like not posting most of the time,not because i feel below these GODS of tiling ;) but because my advice would not better the advice given,and because 'the same as above' seems like a waste of time as well,if it means me not getting badges then so be it,ive never been a badge collector (not saying anyone is either;) ),but the advice on here is great,there are not Internet warriors on here,which on some forums there are,and the blokes are all building trade chaps and chapetts so are down to earth and know the how to have the craic.
also,we can all learn of each other as well,no matter how experienced we are.
26 years and im still learning things,and spelling and punctuality aint any of them


don't take it personally allgage, it's a forum where we are discussing the subject , i have not said its a bad thing, just lets think about all this stuff and in relation to our own live's, take a read of this, not my views just out there for discussion chill your bean's

Dangers of Brainwashing by Barry Nirmal ([url][/URL]

then let me know your thoughts

I haven't clicked your link before replying.
Your previous post and now this one i guess is suggesting that this countries forces and services structure themselves around agressive behaviour ("in-line" and "dominating") and brainwashing! You've still not suggested that you have any first hand experience. What you are suggesting is that the Men and Women out there that serve this country in whatever way shape or form are bullies. That's not the case at all, and as an ex-serviceman i DO take it personally.
You are also indeed suggesting it's a bad thing by your negative remarks in this thread. You've compared the accreditation that this forum awards members as similar tactics you say are used in British forces, which you basically describe as bullying. So the way i see it you're suggesting bullying is a positive thing. Something which i'm certain no British serviceman or woman would agree with you on.

Mike Mike

Nice, i have served in army for about 5 years, 2 years in seargent school (seargent/instructor) View attachment 39964 :thumbsup:

I'äm not being funny Tony, but was that in the Russian Army? It's just the look of that uniform, and the size of that hat, it all looks worryingly....Russian. (You have to understand that the last time Sweden instigated a war was against Russia and it didn't go our way, LOL, so anything Russian, well, that rings alarm bells to me....).


acton w3, london
I'äm not being funny Tony, but was that in the Russian Army? It's just the look of that uniform, and the size of that hat, it all looks worryingly....Russian. (You have to understand that the last time Sweden instigated a war was against Russia and it didn't go our way, LOL, so anything Russian, well, that rings alarm bells to me....).

:lol::lol::lol: Lithuanian Army, joined army in 1991 i was 17 photo made in 1994. don't worry mate, i'm not KGB

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