Time's Ran Out
why do you have to have all these titles anyway, why cant everyone just be plain, do you think it makes you a better tiler/person, or is it just psychology guys ?
Tom - I see in your location that you are from 'wonderland' and I was just trying to figure out which character you were? But then I realised there were no communists in that story and everyone had an individual identity. :smilewinkgrin:
When I was in the cubs, I did an Audey Murphy and became the most decorated cub in my pack, and in the days when I went to school I was disappointed with 2 A levels and 10 O levels as it didn't get me into University to study Architecture. So when I stumbled into tiling 39 years ago it meant I had to be the best I could for only 1 person - ME!
So if I'am one of the arrogant badge holders (that's been on this great forum for over 3 years and 6000+ posts) then thank you very much for your kind thoughts, and perhaps when you are prepared to give your free time to help our trade become recognised for the quality and service that some try to achieve, then you may also be rewarded with a Green badge or title as a mark of respect from your peers.
I for one am extremely proud to be a member of Tilers Forum and if there is something I can add to a thread I - type, if it's already been said I - 'like', and if it's appropriate I - 'Thank You'.
But finally, what the forum does allow is discussion so - Thank you (now I'am off to collect my pension) - Have a good day all!