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To add:

UK Legal Limit
To calculate the power of an airgun you need to use a chronograph to measure the speed of the pellet (in feet per second) when fired, and you need to know the weight of the pellet in grains. Once you have that information you perform the following calculation:- speed(ft/sec) X speed(ft/sec) X weight(grains) 450240
This gives you the result in foot pounds force (ftlb).
As mentioned the legal maximum for an unlicensed air rifle is 12 ftlb which from changing round the above formula, gives the approximate values as follows:-
A .22 pellet weighing 14.4 grains, maximum permissible speed is 612 ft/sec
A .177 pellet weighing 7.9 grains, maximum permissible speed is 826 ft/sec
The corresponding figures for a pistol are 433 ft/sec for a .22 and 584 ft/sec for a .177
The pellet weights used in the above calculation are typical weights for the sizes of pellet but you must always check the actual weight of your pellet before performing your own calculation.

Airgun Quarry
The following pests are considered suitable for controlling using a sub-12 ftlb Airgun.
BIRDS: (covered by the open general licences) crows, rooks, jackdaws, magpies, jays, wood pigeon, collared doves, and feral pigeons.
MAMMALS: brown rats, grey squirrels, stoats, mink and rabbits.
Information sheet on general licences for the control of certain bird species in the UK please click here to read
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
All bird and animals are protected by law. Certain species are classified as pests or vermin and only these species can be legitimately shot and then only by authorised persons. An Authorised Person is someone who has the proper permission from the land owner to control pests on that land.

UK Airgun Law -
when we lived at the old farmhouse I was re-doing out bathroom and ripped out the lathe and plaster wall that separated us from farmer Bobs attic, no plastering on his side of partition and I needed to get in there to feed electric through for the shower, so I just jumped through the joists and there was a gun cabinet on the stair landing (attic stairs and had two turns in it), now I thought that gun cabinets had to be steel, bolted to a wall, locked etc etc etc.... this cabinet was a few bits of ply nailed together with no lock on the hinged doors, so naturally I had a peek inside....3 twelve bore shotties, a 303 Lee Enfield rifle, a .22 rifle, and some other bolt action rifle,,,, oh and shells and cartridges just in bottom of cabinet!:yikes::yikes::yikes:
Did you size up the Lee Enfield? It's heavy weapon but surprisingly well balanced. I have an american friend with two of them intact but I never got the chance to fire one unfortunately. Maybe next time I'm over there hopefully.
reading through this thread has been a bit of an education to me...

when you live in rural areas, theres different ways of life to major cities...i probably was one of those people that thought it was cruel to shoot something that wasnt a food source but when you look deeper you realise that pest control, the avoidance of diseases etc are real issues that need to be addressed...

i think everybody on here would agree that killing for killing sake or for entertainment is morally wrong. the whole progression of being an intelligent human being is to use intelligent humane ways to live. if we dont live that way we become more animal.

when you read through the posts, you get a clearer understanding and that is good. we can all be hypocrytes when we choose or more importantly when it suites, so i have realised that shooting has its rightful place in society if its controlled, morally accepted and keeps the balance maintained...after all isnt that nature personified?

if you do what you do for the right reasons, then it aint wrong, even if it seems wrong to others...only you know your intentions and thats all that matters at the end of the day ;0)

if you want to see cruel, then go on you tube and search the fur trade!!!!! it aint for the faint hearted....

so just incase i am mis interpreted, if it maintains food source and natural balance then i cant see what is wrong as long as the kill is as quickly and painlessly as possible...
Did you size up the Lee Enfield? It's heavy weapon but surprisingly well balanced. I have an american friend with two of them intact but I never got the chance to fire one unfortunately. Maybe next time I'm over there hopefully.
I didn't touch any of them Sandy, just gawped and did the chasing for my shower electrics!
that was an interesting read. i have shot many rats over the years and i think it is a much better way than putting poison down. as for the rabbits if it`s a nice clean shot it must be better than the idiotic way of culling rabbits that was tried a few years ago Myxomatosis

Myxomatosis is caused by the myxoma virus, a type of pox virus that only affects rabbits. It was first discovered in 1896 in Uruguay and was imported to Australia in 1951 to control its large rabbit populations - initially having the desired devastating effect. The disease was illegally introduced to France in 1952 and it appeared in Britain the following year. It quickly spread to both wild and domestic rabbit populations and within a few years had spread throughout Europe. Myxomatosis has been a threat to wild and domestic rabbits ever since.
now i know which way i feel is more humanist. it`s a fact of life with wild animlas in certain parts that you need to cull them for reasons that affect the wildlife local to them. nature does not always prevail
heres mine

cracking little gun. i am about to get my fac through the local gun club and RAF shortly, so it may start to collect some dust 😀
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