The Great Sigma Tile Cutter Survey!!!

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I feel it has something to do with the design of the metal plates and the bridge between them. I take the point siramic but as we get older the limbs are less supple and the slighest extra jarring can cause a lot of pain.
I only used one for a day, huge beast it was, 900 long. Really liked it and prefered the pulling to pushing. Cut 10mm off a 660 long tile 10mm thick clean with no bevelling at all.

Looked at buying one before the Rubi but just didnt seem to be as readlily available as the Rubi, Hence i got a rubi!
thanks for all the replies!!!

keep them coming!!!....i know dom (diamond), jay, joe (hillhead) and tommy zoom use sigma so hopefully we'll get more info soon..
I have sigma 10m water saw(superb beast),
sigma 3B(63cm) pull cutter
sigma 3D(93cm) pull cutter
love all three !!
I have no wrist problems yet, no real chipping problems and very clean cuts all the time from 4" splashback tiles to 80cm tiles.
very dependable cutters,wheels last a very long time too!
I have a 40cm monty push cutter which i love too but its no match for sigma,
no doubt these cutters are built to last which is rare in so many other things nowadays.
I have sigma 10m water saw(superb beast),
sigma 3B(63cm) pull cutter
sigma 3D(93cm) pull cutter
love all three !!
I have no wrist problems yet, no real chipping problems and very clean cuts all the time from 4" splashback tiles to 80cm tiles.
very dependable cutters,wheels last a very long time too!
I have a 40cm monty push cutter which i love too but its no match for sigma,
no doubt these cutters are built to last which is rare in so many other things nowadays.


Can i ask why you thought you needed the monty 40cm one... does the 3B not suffice for this..
ive used sigmas for over 20 yrs, i have a 7F 37x37, and a 2B3 66x66, i use the 7F for 100x100 no promblems at all; i have no problems with my wrist as i find if you scibe to hard the cut will brake off without snapping down on the cutter, they last for years, the wheels are cheap and when you put a new one in it feels like a new cutter, the only down side is you dont get a nice red suitcase with it. i find they only tend to chip tiles if you try to snap them to close to the edge. :thumbsup:
used sigmas all my life of tiling currently have 4 from small up to large they can be heavy but robust adjusting is easy once you learn like all tile cutters its what you get use to no wrist probs find i can cut 800x800 down to glass mosaics on large cutter you just need to adjust the height to suit a tip would be on large tiles score then place breaker in position and apply pressure to breaker and push down on one side of the tile at the same time have tried rubies just doesn't feel right or ridged enough :8:just my opinion

Can i ask why you thought you needed the monty 40cm one... does the 3B not suffice for this..
off course you can ask dave.i seen the monty on was a limited edition done in the ducati colours so how the hell could i extras in the box like superb grinder know what were like with my 3b doesnt look good sitting on a worktop.hope that all helps.
J use the sigma 3B, which I use for cutting 100 x100 up to 600 x 600 no problem with chipping just adjust the bar to suit the tile been cut, recently showed the ladz in my local Topps store , i cut a 25mm strip of a porcelain 600 tile and then cut it half again, looked like a pair of chop sticks !! :thumbsup:


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