1.why do you all rate sigma so highly???
Well built, low maintainance, good all rounder.
2.what is it that really impresses you about them??
Pin point precision, it gives you plenty of feedback, always leaves clean cut edges and will cut 10mm off 600x600 porcelain til the cows come home.
3.is there anything,
if anything you could fault them on or maybe improve.
Can't really think of anything to be honest. Perhaps better side supports for large format tiles, usually just use scraps built up or an old kneepad. One downside would be the large measuring bar of the 75cm cutter, awkward in confined spaces, but the bars are all interchangable so you can swap the bar with that of a smaller cutter if you have both.
4.do they take along time to adjust to??
Took me about a year of constant use to master to it's full potential, although that was when I was serving my time and didn't have any experience of cutting tiles. Should be straight forward enough a transition if you're already used to cutting tiles.
how are they on the wrist? they look a little awkward
Don't find it awkward myself, but perhaps I'm used to it.
how much of an issue is the obstructed view of the line?
Depends on how you sit. I never have an obstructed view of the line, as my cutter is usually set on the floor and then I lean to the left slightly out of habit. It's the sort of cutter that you use from one side, rather than straddling centrally like you would on a Rubi.
also, does it seem strange, breaking the tile near to you as opposed to further away on push cutters?
Was what I learnt on, I find pushing and breaking at the other side of the bench strange. The pulling motion seems more natural to me. Also feel you can get a better 'feel' of breaking the tile when it's that bit closer to you.
finally, do you always have to tap the handle to break or is that just on porcelain?
I would never tap or hit the handle for anything. My technique, not sure about anyone else but what works for me, is to put my left palm spread out roughly half way up the tile on what would be either side of the table, and with the right hand I push down steadily and firmly to break. Doesn't require a karate chop.
to all sigma users...knowing what you know now and the fact that larger tiles have become more poular, then would you go for the 3b 63cm or the 3d 75cm??
i was looking at a sigma 6 (35cm fwith 45 degree angle attachment) splashbacks etc
Amoroc Tools: Suppliers of Quality Tile Cutters
and either a 3b 63cm or 3d 75cm.....
what do you guys think?
whats your perfect combination??
Don't like working with a cutter that's too big for the tile, so I have 3. 7f 37cm (Around £50), my baby Sigma, which I'd use for anything up to 8x8, then the cutter that gets most everyday use would be the 5a 51cm (£160) and then for large format I'd use the 4a 75cm (£190). I see you're looking at the new double swivel cutters, they're a very nice predictable cutter to use.