The Great Sigma Tile Cutter Survey!!!

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push or pull great cutters,models3a are the diagonal,range they have double thickness adjustment & removable bar, the 2c3and ad3 are the technica range with thickness adlustment built into the handle, all brill i have the 2a3 which i use for smaller tiles
When will this debate end?? sigma or rubi, its not a difficult decision, try them both and pick what you prefer.

I prefer sigma but thats just my opinion..
So there certain models that do diagonal:wacky:


im ordering a 3b sigma plus a klicl klock handle and case allm for £364 delivered!..daltech in scotland i think its called..sir ramic put me onto them...i think its a fair price?,,either way im buying it..:smilewinkgrin:
got mine from diatech as well the 3c with case think its the one jay showed the 750mm model great bit of kit, case takes up alot of room in the van tho. Also got 5a for smaller tiles and a 9c wet saw which is over 15 year old and still going strong. I grew up with sigma so il stick with what i know works. :thumbsup:

ted :thumbsup:
any1 know a place to get a good deal on a sigma 9m1? are they any good a cutting lengths of over 600mm with the table attachment? if not then i will have to get a bench saw. thanks


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