THE TILE CUTTER (my opinion)

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Only 2 cutter's you need, anything else, use a grinder, or wet cut......sorted...🙂
Rubi was THE make years back when ceramic tiles were the norm, remember a new tiler turning up to work for Tofollo Jackson with a Sigma and all the apprentices including myself trying to get out of going with him as would have to use that stupid looking blue square thing that you had to pull and couldn’t see the marks!! I ended up being put with him and intentionally kept giving him cuts either short or too big until he sent me up the road! Other tradesman said to me not to worry about it as probably something wrong with him anyway going by his tools! Fast forward and tiles started getting bigger and harder the common being porcelain and for years I struggled to cut them with my Rubi ts, tr, tx until I was fed up of the old cutting off line and having to snip rest down or put aside for a littler cut and try again. Then stumbled across this forum and for ages was a lurker just reading, and from that I learnt that maybe the solution wasn’t the tiles and how they were made but the machine itself wasn’t up to the job. It was on this recommendation from fellow tilers like myself and others who are some of the best I’ve had the pleasure to view their work and use their knowledge to make my work everyday that little bit easier and determination to leave the best job I could. This is why I started using Sigma, not because it was blue or shiny or trendy but because my fellow tilers who like myself go out every work day and do the same job have recommended it as the best overall cutter to cope with the tiles made with the materials that we all face everyday. Rubi dropped the ball, they didn’t change design or method to cope with a changing market worldwide. They are now realising this and with the TZ beginning to produce a very capable machine. As for Montolit well I see it as a Sigma with a few extras, but with extras just means more things to break but seems to be the most popular machine on other forums so horses for courses I say. I choose Sigma as basic bulletproof and reliable to cope with more or less everything I see everyday and have had my newest one 3c3m for more than a year now and bought 2 spare cutting wheels which are still in their plastic.


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