The Week In Haiti

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Spare a thought for the residents of Haiti..

So many lost in the natural disaster.

[ame=]YouTube - The Week In Haiti[/ame]
i know we all moan about the uk sometimes but when you see tragedies like this in vunerable parts of the world and the 'children of mumbai' then it makes you realise how lucky we are to live in country like this..

over 200,000 killed! its hard to find the words:thumbsdown:

god bless them all......
poor poor people, why are so many americans adopting the young kids? somebody might come for them, i think its to soon for this myself :thumbsdown:
I can't comprehend the scale of the misery, we all know about sadness and grief when we lose a loved one, but some of these Haitaiins(?) will have had their whole families wiped out, generations will have perished, but that really is beyond my comprehension, God bless them
Watch out for dodgy charities claiming to collect money for them. Or even collecting money for them but paying their staff high figures for running such a thing.

A couple of trusted ones: Support Disaster Relief in Haiti

Avoid the gits that spend money on TV adverts at prime time. You know the sort, with the little crying kid with flies on their face with the picture in black and white. I think those adverts should be banned. Playing on your emotions when your having tea.

On the upside though, (if you can call it that), it's cool how many people have gone to help them out. We've had firemen from around here go there and they have found a quite a few people under rubble still alive and got them out. Brilliant guys they are.

Saw on the news a surgeon who said something like 'this is what we learn how to do this stuff for for all those years, it pays when you can really help people' and that touched me. Volunteer too. Chopping off limbs and stuff, couldn't do it personally.
poor poor people, why are so many americans adopting the young kids? somebody might come for them, i think its to soon for this myself :thumbsdown:

Hi gooner

I think these people were already in the process of adopting the children. All that's happened is the paperwork's been fast-tracked.
On a different note, has anyone seen this fantastic story?

7-year-old Charlie Simpson wanted to raise £500 for the Haitians by doing a 5 mile sponsored bike round round his local park.

He has now raised over £100,000 :yikes:

I'm no relation or anything honest, but the story's in the newspapers now and it's putting a smile on lots of faces, so if anyone you know needs a smile, pass it on

BBC News - London boy raises £100k for Haiti quake aid by cycling
On a different note, has anyone seen this fantastic story?

7-year-old Charlie Simpson wanted to raise £500 for the Haitians by doing a 5 mile sponsored bike round round his local park.

He has now raised over £100,000 :yikes:

I'm no relation or anything honest, but the story's in the newspapers now and it's putting a smile on lots of faces, so if anyone you know needs a smile, pass it on

BBC News - London boy raises £100k for Haiti quake aid by cycling

Brilliant news.

And if you want to donate, here's a LINKY.


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