Things that might make you laugh.

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I thought I would start a thread about something that we all may have done when we were kids. It might be something that you would rather forget (but do share it please) or it might be something that brings back tears of laughter. It might just be a hint of nostalgia but to be honest who does not like nostalgia? Try and keep it to incidents before you were 13, that way we can forgive you as an innocent child if it errs on the wrong side of the law.

One that has never left me was when I was out with friends on a Sunday morning. Two of my friends had come to help me with my paper round because we were going fishing early, we had to go early because it was private waters but we knew the owner never came out until at least 11am and we never had tickets (or a rod license).
My paper round ended up near to the Crewe Alexandra football ground, it was a real eyesore in those days (no comments please), anyway as I walked past one of the old sheds that used to be at the back I noticed that the lock was on the hasp but not locked. I shouted to my mates to come and see and together we all went in to have a look. Inside were loads of boxes, about 10 altogether, they were about 12 inch square and quite heavy, Frank, my mate opened one up and we all looked in, it was like looking in at wads and wads of cash, the boxes were full of nicely stacked Crewe Alex lottery tickets. These tickets at the time were sold door to door and in the local clubs and pubs, they cost 25p to buy and the jackpot was, if I remember, £500.
My brain immediately shouted out "raleigh chopper" while Frank's shouted raleigh grifter, Tony was only 10 so he probably thought " I want my Mum" anyway if he did think that he did not show it because he soon had a box in his newspaperbag.
We took about 5 boxes and disappeared behind a load of crumbled down garages where we had a bit of a den.
We scratched off about a ton (it felt like it) of silver coverings, fishing was a distant memory now. I was going to buy action men, skate boards and loads of sweets, that was on top of what my mates were going to buy.
Every time we heard a noise one of us would look over the wall but no one ever came. We kept throwing the losing tickets into a bag because we were going to burn them to hide the evidence, the bag soon filled up. After about 2 hours we had 'won' £60, not bad really, £20 quid each, then Frank hit the big time, 3 horseshoes worth £250! happy days! now I wanted a flying machine like James Bond and we could afford one, how cool would we be going to school in the morning on that.
Four hours later and we had a pile of losing tickets higher than Mount Everest, we had won the sum of £310 after scratching about 10,000 tickets.
All we had to do now was get the cash from the office, who would know??
It took ages for us to decide who would go to the cash office at the Alex and so we all went together. We left it till Thursday when Crewe had a big game, Northwich Victoria at home, I decided that we should get my mate Dave to help us because he looked a lot older, he was actually my sister's boyfriend. We gave him the £250 ticket and told him he could have £50, off he went to the office and never came back! at half time all three of us decided to go and chance it, we only had 25/50p tickets and thought we would be ok. The lady at the desk was really nice to us, "ooh, boys, you have done well, come into the office and I will get you your money"
Result! this was easy, in we marched, straight into two of the biggest policemen we had seen, and there was Dave, sitting on a seat sweating like a pig. We were taken to a police car and I don't mind saying that I was touching cloth, Frank and Tony must have had the same thoughts because they were trumping their little bots off, what a smell!
We lived next door to each other and so it was easy for the police to see our parents, my Dad has an extremely fiery Irish temper and he was livid.
The thing was that after much ear slapping and shouting I swear that they were laughing at us, I knew my Dad's slap was hard but that night it was a little softer and he kept giggling, what the flip was this about?
Monday night and we are all in the police station for a rollocking and what a shouting voice that Copper had, I can still hear him now.
We all got a police warning and were told that if we do anything wrong then prison it will be. Crying and snuffling we all went to leave when the Sergeant stopped us and asked us to take a look at the evidence he had one more time, I was looking at the £250 ticket and thinking "he is giving it to us,yes!" "look closer sonny" he said, "whats the date" I looked and the date read January 1977, we all looked at him and winched when he said "its now March 1978, they are all out of bleedin date, you idiots!" and then they all started laughing their heads off..................
What a set of fools we felt, all that for nothing.

when I was about 8, me and my mate used to go and play at a farm a couple of fields away. There was a slurry pit just outside a cow byre, full of cow s£$t, it was a frosty day and the slurry had a bit of a hard skin on it. Me being curious and a tad thick decided that with my wellies on, I'd be ok to get the football that was in the middle of aforesaid $41t pit, two strides out and I'm up to my chin and sinking in the pit:yikes: my mate, quick as a flash leans over, grabs me by the collar and pulls me out!. We laughed all the way home, and then my mum asked "what the hell have you been doing?" I turned on the waterworks and said "Chris pushed me in the slurry pit, but I managed to get myself out , just!"
Chris got his backside smacked off his mum and sent to bed. I got a nice sweet cup of tea and biccy's!!
I still laugh about that now, strangely enough, Chris didn't speak to me for months:lol:
Doug's story has just reminded me of an incident that happened many years ago. A friend and i had made a raft from an old car bonnett, and were floating down our local river ,when it started taking in water. We were standing at opposite ends for balance but as soon as i saw the water leaking in i started to panic. We were floating near the river bank and i leapt from the raft, on to an overhanging branch. My friend sank immediately and then i realised he could not swim. Luckily enough he was close enough to the bank and was able to scramble ashore. He still does'nt talk to me to this day😳
We lived in Texas in the summer of 1977, and this one day was a typical Texas summer day-very hot and very dry. It was around the time of July fourth that my friend invited me to go with his dad and him to a field party (as they were called back in those days) that actually was held in a barn-like shed out in the woods. It was a big picnic cookout kind of thing, all the adults were drinking and there weren't any kids that my friend and I could play with. We went off into the woods and were setting off fireworks, and then eventually came to an old shed of some sort out in the middle of a hay field. Being typical 12 year old boys, we had to explore the dilapidated building, and being the 12 year old boys that we were, we had to mess with the hornet nest that we found.:lol:

So we decided the best thing to do would be to shoot bottle rockets at the hornet nest from a "safe" distance. This was pretty good and we actually got some bottle rockets to hit the nest and out came the hornets, as the saying goes "madder than a hornet". 😀

So, then we got bolder and upped the firepower on the hornet nest and dropped in some larger firecrackers. This was also a great idea until we realized that 2 foot tall dry grass+no rain for weeks+100 degrees F weather+sparking firecrackers+ a 100 year old building led to the inevitable huge fire burning out of control.:yikes::yikes:

Our first thoughts were "Holy S***!!! Mr. Garza is here and he will tell our parents!" Mr Garza was our other friend's dad and he was the Fire Marshall for the town! And he was at the party in the barn! So we tried to put the fire out with our shirts, swatting at the blames and stomping them with our feet. :lol: We soon realized that for every square foot of fire we stomped out there were about 50 more square feet that were we ran back to the area where the adults were and told them that there was a fire down in the field.

Some of the dads at the party were in the fire department, and other fire fighters came in other trucks, and they eventually put out the fire after what seemed like an eternity. We were scared sh**less.

Mr Garza (the Fire Marshall) came over and said "Boys how did this fire get started? Were you lighting off fireworks down here?"

"Uhhhh, we dont know for sure, Uhhhh, we think the fireworks were mostly over there in another place, uhhhhhh...all of a sudden there was a lot of fire and we didn't know what to do, uhhhhhhh and then blahblahblah..." (So we didn't exactly lie but we didn't exactly tell the truth, either. 😀

There were a few more questions back and forth and we kept "hemming and hawing" and not really saying anything, until one of the dads pulled out the burned remains of a bottle rocket. BUSTED!!!:mad2:

So later on we are back at the cookout area, and all the Dads are back to chugging beers and cooking on the grill, and my friend's dad comes over and he looks quite upset. "Boys, you have ruined Mr Jones party. All these dads had to go and put out the fire you started and we told you not to light off fireworks over there. Now his hay field is burned and he lost some hay. You need to go over there and apologize and accept whatever punishment he wants you to have."

Over we go to Mr Jones, gather our courage, and apologize. He was drinking a lot of beer and probably was blitzed. He paused for a minute and then he said (think heavy Texas accent):

"You younguns done burned up a lot of my hay field, and ya'll set off fireworks when we done told ya not to do it, and the fire department come here and I am gonna have to pay the town for this. Normally I would say that you boys best be tellin' yore mommas what you done today, and get whatever is coming to ya'll....but I gotta say that this was 'bout the best damn Fourth of July party we've had here in the last 20 years! A lot of excitement that you boys created, so go and have a good time and next year come back but without no fireworks, ya hear?"

(Stupid) Rob says: "So, sir, does this mean you aren't going to call our mothers?":lol:

So on the way home my friend asks his dad "So, Mr Jones really isn't going to say anything to Mom?":lol:

And they never did say anything to our mothers and we got off scott-free!:thumbsup:
Good one Rob :lol: I can imagine Mr.Jones wearing his ten gallon hat telling ya'll off.
wow!!! Rob,
[ame=]YouTube - The Prodigy - Firestarter[/ame]
After what I just put in that pm Doug, I have to take it back mate, I love this tune !

Doug, that dude kept saying he was a firestarter but then he never started any fires. :incazzato::smilewinkgrin:


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