I’am working Saturday.
Sunday - big job to price up then - 1) Wimbledon Men’s final : Federer to win
2) Cricket World Cup : England to win
3) British Gran Prix : Hamilton to win
Hamilton all day. He had a massive lead. He said he is glad he can prove his negative teachers wrong. Well done lad. He deserves the win for that alone.
I’am working Saturday.
Sunday - big job to price up then - 1) Wimbledon Men’s final : Federer to win
2) Cricket World Cup : England to win
3) British Gran Prix : Hamilton to win
Well I’am not a betting man and I’d have lost on the 3.
But that was a fun filled Sunday.
2 out of 3 ain’t bad and the best English 2 won.
Be difficult to follow this next weekend.