this would happen to wivers but not me!

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pmsl, happens alot then swe???:grin:

Well, you've probably noticed that I'm a talkative feller. I keep down to business with customers, which tend to be the husbands. Their wives on the other hand, tend to be more like bystanders / guardians of the house while hubby's at work / fetchers of coffee and cookies. Often, they sense that I'm a communicative person. They won't leave me alone, even if I keep my mouth shut. They interpret it as me being a good listener... And that's... Well...

Lets just say:

"Poor little neglected wifie wants some attention". Once or twice atleast :grin:
Bad boy swe,you have me laughing there,lol.
i once was tiling a house in development,doing bathroom around window this morning and it was wet outside,joiners downstairs getting all ready and in pops this woman who was walking her dog,talk,talk talk to me,thought i'd come in to see these houses she said,standing at the batroom door.she went to bedroom to look out window and shouted"not much privacy here to hang yer kinky undies out eh?"i near choked,she was about 50.
She landed back in and stood behind me looking over my shoulder!!! "my house is over there " she says WHILE RUBBING HER BREAST ON MY SHOULDER,up and down,up and down.I way was i turning round.
She got the hint and left thankfully,wow close i thought.
What makes you say that.......:lol: I don't think we noticed...

Heh, once, a couple of years ago, I remember I had a really bad head ache, and I figured it would clear up a bit if I took a walk. So I went out for a walk with my then girlfriend. I commented that I was feeling completely mushed up in my head, and that she would have to do the talking. She looked at me in a real strange way and said "Who are you, and what have you done with my boyfriend?" :grin:

I have no idea what she meant :angel_smile:
You dirty bunch of old men!!! I'm ashamed of you all 🙂

As for the comment about breast feeding, i fell into that trap a little while ago with my wifes cousin. I went to say goodbye to the newborn baby, gave it a kiss on the head and ruffled its thin hair, then i took a step back and realised it was hanging off her left nipple!!! Ohh the shame!!!
I went to say goodbye to the newborn baby, gave it a kiss on the head and ruffled its thin hair, then i took a step back and realised it was hanging off her left nipple!!! Ohh the shame!!!

As I was reading that I thought the baby had it's head somewhere else for the minute :lol:
you've all made me laugh so thankyou!
day 2
got to the house nice & early, but too late i missed mother & daughter,they're back off to stables to look on the poorly horse! the husband who thinks he's a comedian says '' do u usually have many tiles fall off through the night?''
i froze, 1st thought was s***,2nd was is he joking?? glad 2 say it was the 2nd option!
I'll let you get on as i'm busy in the garden,no sign of a drink for hours,miserable sod! anyway, mother & daughter back home now,daughter (23yrs)
goes up stairs into bedroom, came out with the smallest rara skirt you've ever seen,low cut top :whatchutalkingabout ooooh! i thought, never did i realise wot was coming next! off out in garden to do some needed sunbathing! now i'm up a ladder grouting away when she looks up at me in the window,she turned over & there in full glory was this little pert bottom on full view,with a skimpy string between the cheeks,the ladder was wobbling at this point, i had to go mix up some more grout (it was hot enuff in the bathroom as it was) when i returned she flipped back over & was smiling her head off! little tease i thought! :lol: its a shame i've finished the job! still got a £25 tip for doing such a nice job! pleasure doing business! say by to your daughter!!!:lol:
Lucky your not a LARGE bloke Clays or with that excitement you wouldn't have been able to reach the walls for the wood! 🙂
Ahh the joys of life!! I used to drive coaches and every year took a group from a school in Stevenage to Germany for a 10 day exchange trip. The students all stayed with families but me.......i got housed in the residential quarters of the hospital next to the school........The FEMALE residential quarters!!!! I thought they were having a laugh when i was showed to my room! Every day i returned from driving the students to wherever i went to my room and just passed semi naked nurses walking around the corridor!!!! :47: Even got invited in for a drink!!! Sometimes i miss that work!!!!



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