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I hope he used rapid set adhesive and not tubbed otherwise it will be the grout and Silicon holding it all on.
Really sorry you have had such a nightmare. . . makes me wonder how people like that get work, unless its all down to price
mapei ultra white was the grout he used.. dunno what adhesive

I have had an email from him saying this "Hi Paul,
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this monday coming 14th march i am being admitted into hospital for an operation to remove a chipped piece of bone thats pressing on my thumb nerve and also to have a surgical steel plated fitted to my wrist. Unfortunately this means that i am going to be on the sick for a minimum of 8 weeks.
When the plate is removed in 6 weeks time they say i need at least 2 weeks physio before i can return to work,
Will let you know how i am coming along. Sorry this is by message but i dont seem to be able to find your phone number
once again mate i do sincerely appologise for any inconvenience i have caused"

Since then I sent one back saying we were not happy at all with the work and explained the problems, I asked what grout he used etc so I could attempt to replace it and he never had the decency to say he would get or PAY to get a proper tiler in to repair the job - he just sait it was mapei ultra white and that he was on morphine for the pain!!! - she doesnt want him back here either, iam going to shame him on the forum i got him off which was DIYnot

i want to remove the grout and a couple of tiles, what do I do?

Removing grout is'nt as easy as it sounds, I would'nt be using any of the hand tools, more the powered type..

But you would have to remove any grout any from around the tile you want to remove.
so can you give advice for both methods hehe i want to confront the tiler but she wont let me - she doesnt want nowt to do with him
If they are not being re used then just hit the hard int eh centre and break them out with a hammer and chisel. Its adviseable to remove the grout though so you dont chip the tiles being left up. If its plasterboard dont go mad with the hammer though!

If its just a couple you can get a hand grout remover
thanks, i will look for some grout removal tools - any advice there?

tiles are being replaced with new ones and its dot&dab plasterboard behind
A multi master for about £80 is the ultimate grout removal tool, and you will find other things for it to do with its wood cutting attatchements,,if your the hands on type.
thanks - but if im too pay that much jst too remove some of the grout Iam gunna ask for my money back off the tiler too pay for it

i take it its some sort of dremel tool?
no a multimaster is a osilating tool that comes with a variety of different blade attachments a fein multimaster is around £200 but bosch do a cheaper version that would be a good investment as a tool for anyone who does diy at all it is surprising how many uses it has.
hi snadge,get a baton of wood and put a masonry nail in the end....drag this up the grout to remove

cheap as chips and it works well then smash the tiles out from the centre

if you remove the grout 1st it will stop adjoining tiles cracking


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