What is happening is its taking the tile down level with the grout line in about 2 or 3 inches so instead of the toe stubber it slopes up to the edge of the tile. is this right ?
Just going to try to take a picture
You mis-understand me ! I did not want flat, thats why I chose it, however I did expect the edges of the tile to meet flush, the pictures do not really tell the story, on some of them there is a 5mm or more discrepancy on the edge of the tile sticking up above the other.
If this is normal then fine I can live with normal and stop stressing about it :8:
However if its bad workmanship which I suspect it is then it will bug me forever and I need to change it so it won't.
In the picture where I chisled the edge of do you think that it will look ok when its sealed ?
Depending on the quality of the slate you can get warped pieces and that can cause lipping that is removed as already mentioned and also by giving a slightly wider joint and not washing to much grout out as hollow joints will make it look worse..
Just remove the worst bits with a chisel and it will sheer the top of another layer...then seal and it will look fine...that is the best thing with riven natural split and it doesn't show..
Thanks to all, I dressed the steps and sealed it with Lithofin and they look good at the moment ! My house is very old and they look like they have been there forever !