Thanks for all your responses,I take it that the plasterboard is primed as well as the ply,and flexi adhesives.
plasterboard has to be the cheapest,and quickest out of the two if on a budget,I done a couple of bathrooms recently,tiling bath panels,and boxed in hideaway toilet systems,out of 12mm ply which I primed and used flexi adhesives and grouts,and had a couple of tiles 600 x300 which came off quite easily,that I had to refit,kinda put me off using ply.
feel like you get better adhesion with say plasterboard,hardie backer board,wedi or dukka type boards,any of yous feel the same or is it me,maybe my primer had been affected by the cold or my flexi adhesive was to blame,can only be one of those two reasons that a couple of tiles came off,what do you boys think,
regards Darren