respect my friend,have you ever heard of the comment dont try to show your grandma how to suck eggs,if not ask someone a little older with a bit off life gone past them,my forty years of tiling doesnt make me any better than anybody else but i have a lot of experience under my belt ,you dont seem to be able to grasp that for some strange reason ,and lastly i have only had a bad day because my van wouldnt start this morning not any other reason now jog on you do things your way and iwill continue to do what i know is right without trying to talk people into doing things they dont need to do ,and bye the way when your hardibackerand the likes become cheaper and have been tested over time as ply has i may have a re _think util then ply it is thankyou,old habits die hard,ive never had a problem so ill stick with it, just a differwnce of opinion eh eh .eh e. eh .eh