Tiling onto Plywood

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drywall adhesive is cement based and so is rapidset adhesive....you don't prime plaster boards to dot & dab plaster boards with drywall or rapidset......you prime the face side only to slow the setting down if tiling but it is not a necessity.....
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Yes you do.
The rapid set is cement based, so the board has to be sealed with acrylic to reduce any chance of a reaction between that and the gypsum, just like you need to seal the front when you tile with cement based addy.

It is also at least 3 times the price, takes longer to go off, and is harder to use than dri-wall addy is.

I honestly can't see a single benefit from using that over dri-wall.
Gypsum is sandwiched, it dosn't make any contact with any adhesive.(.except for edges)...so how can it react.......no chemical mix-up...gaz
have to be quick then have used there rapid took 3 days to dry not to impressed not all adhesive manufactures recommend to prime plasterboard and also lots of little tricks you find out over the years which are not recommended but work :yes:
thanks for the elp :hurray: i will try to behave :8:
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drywall adhesive is cement based and so is rapidset adhesive....you don't prime plaster boards to dot & dab plaster boards with drywall or rapidset......you prime the face side only to slow the setting down if tiling but it is not a necessity.....
Dri-wall adhesive is gypsum based.

Gypsum is sandwiched, it dosn't make any contact with any adhesive.(.except for edges)...so how can it react.......no chemical mix-up...gaz

I know all that.
But it is common practice to seal the face before using a cement based addy, it is up here at least, so why not the back too?

What about the price difference?
Around 16-20 for 20kg of rapid, or £6 for 25kg of dri-wall.
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have to be quick then have used there rapid took 3 days to dry not to impressed not all adhesive manufactures recommend to prime plasterboard and also lots of little tricks you find out over the years which are not recommended but work :yes:
thanks for the elp :hurray: i will try to behave :8:

3 days, for RapidFlex to set:huh2:
I use it all the time, even on days like today when it cold and wet, it sets in an hour at most.

Unique is ready to grout in 1 hour. great stuff.
sometimes i know you get a bad batch but i am also a wholesaler of PCI so it would cost me a bit :grin:


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