Tiling over UFH, potential mess up!

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Hi All.

Quick Introduction, I'm new to this site, but thought I'd join as I'm in desperate need of some advice and guidance! I'm not exactly Mr DIY, but I'm always willing to have a go and really enjoy it when I get my teeth into it. I have a chalet in the French Alps and that's where I'm working at the moment.

I decided to put some underfloor heating down (on top on new insulation boards), which was fine then tiled over the top. However I only laid half the tiles on the first day, but when I tried to continue the next day, the adhesive had dried solid around the edges of tiles I’d put down the previous day. I wasn't able to get new tile up close, I 'unthinking' I got my hammer and chisel and started chipping away! Unfortunately, I nicked the UFH wire before I realised I needed to be extra careful. I had removed the plastic/rubber coat from the wire (2-3mm) and a little bit of silver was showing. I immediately did the Resistance & Insulation test and both were correct as per the start of the job and the manufacture's recommendations. I therefore just taped up the nick/graze in the wire with insulation tape and continued tiling on top.

My questions are really, should I have done that? And will the heating wire burn out at that point in time? If so, is it possible to lift that tile and repair the wire?

Sorry, if the above questions seem a little daft, but I'm gutted that I may have messed this job up after putting in so much work. Any help, guidance or reassurances from you guys will be greatly appreciated!!

Re: Tiling over UFH, potential balls up!

Hi and welcome to tilersforums.com.

If the resistance was as should be, and if it's taped well, you MAY get away with it, it should have been jointed properly though, if it does go in the future then it is possible to repair, this will involve lifting of tile / tiles and then a joint being made.

Fingers crossed for you.
Re: Tiling over UFH, potential balls up!

hi diy,what you shoud have done was stopped and asked that very question before you tiled over the top lol

all joking aside i hope it lasts for you but cant really answer that you will just have to wait and see

btw do you have a qualified electrician to wire this up for you?
Re: Tiling over UFH, potential balls up!

remember which tile/area it was for future reference incase it fails at a later date. good luck with it. don't be tempted to try the heating on early. wait untill 2 weeks after completion and raise the temp by 5 degrees a day up to max temp then back down the same way
Agree with Alan.P, kilty55 and Mike above.
The repair kits we stock and sell have sleeving for our systems that is suitable and needed for the on/off of the heating many times a day.
As above, draw yourself a plan of the area, marking clearly where this happened.
You may want to get a repair kit now so it is with your tools for when the tape breaks down ( '...just taped up....' )
Go back to where you purchased your U/F heating from to make sure you get the correct kit for your system.
Thanks Guys, that's great news, and great advice. It has certainly put my mind at ease and I will get a repair kit ready, just in case it goes. I'm doing the electrics with a qualified electrician via Skype!!! lol However he's coming over for a ski holiday in Dec and will check it out before I switch it on. Once again, thank you so much for the help and fantastic advice. Cheers Glenn (budding tiler;-)


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