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Tip of a different sort. I dont recommend anyone to buy shares on a random tip from a forum.
But a company called Desire Petroleum, listed on the AIM with the LSE is preparing to drill offshore the Falkland Isles. A mobile rig is currently being towed there to start a year long drilling campaign in early Feburary.
There is a long history to the ownership of the ground that the UK government fought bitterly over. Again Oil causing a war!! However there is a serious upside to the share price if (yes its only an IF) they find commercial oil reserves. They already know oil is there from wells drilled back in the 80's by Shell. The wells where abandoned without fully testing as the price of oil was $9 and it deemed not economic. In todays market oil is at $80 plus.
The share price currently is around 80p, having already climbed from sub 20p earlier in the year. Rumour is commercial oil on a North Sea scale could drive the price well over £10. However if they drill and find little or nothing the share price would collapse to a few pence.

I have a little money invested, its a risk im willing to take on longterm research. If you are interested please do your own research.
Desire PLC

DESIRE PETROLEUM Discussion DES DES.L - Interactive Investor

Its a difficult one for me because if it does go good, then people will say why didnt you share your information, but if it goes bad they would rather not have heard.

Question I keep asking myself, Maggie didnt send men to die for a few 1000 sheep on an island in the southern hemisphere for nothing? I have my fingers crossed!:thumbsup:

Now sitting at £1.25...should be drilling in a few weeks, so fingers crossed fror that new tractor and jeep!
get tips on most jobs nowadays,december becomes a bit silly though,this year i ended up with a case of guinness,a case of tennents,a bottle of red wine,1 litre of vodka and a botlle of bells whisky(the other 1/2's grandfather should conquer that the next time he's up):thumbsup:

this weeks tip-don't eat yellow snow
next weeks tip-don't p*ss into the wind
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i get tips quite often, usually just the price rounded up to the nearest round number, but it feels good when they hand you extra notes for doing a good job.


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