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Last night I attended a Topping out party, finally after 4 years, the client decided to hold a party as a 'thank you', I dont think they had any idea what they were letting theirselves in for...

I got all my key lads who worked on this contract, some have moved on some are still with me. I have to say everyone looked lovely all suited and booted for the occasion, I even put on the little black dress and high heels for the occasion.

Free booze and food is not a good idea for 120 lads on a Friday night, it wasnt long before fueled by too much of the liquid stuff before old scores that should have been settled long ago rise to the surface. The first bit of argy bargy started between the chippies and the plasterers, that was dispersed and things settled down...ok back to the drinking.

Next quarrel again was with the chippies and the groundworks people....that was quooshed back to the drinking.

The chippies must have had a chip on their shoulders so to speak, because I noticed one of them was pointing his finger right in the face of Johnny, who is my 'special needs' labourer, who is harmless as the day is long. Chip on his shoulder was dragged away before the situation got out of control. Ok everyone back to the drinking.

Im standing talking to the architect, when the same chippie struts up to me, and informs me and the architect that we should watch our step! I let it go over my head, there are times when I have to behave myself and last night was one of them.

Fast forward two hours later and everyone is smashed, (told you its not a good thing to have all this free booze floating around, I am pacing myself and only on my third glass). Im standing with the client, and chippie staggers over to me and the client, (the alarm bells are going off in my head now, because this piece of work should have been thrown out a long time ago). Again the finger comes up and hes shouting, and screaming total abuse at me and the client, the next minute the clients security man has flown in from no where and literally plucked this idiot up, and transported him into the water feature outside for a little 'cooling off'. I was gobsmacked, Ive never seen anything like it before in my life...the client turned to me and said "Anyway Lynn as I was saying....."

I love my job...sometimes.



some site guys don't need the booze. I once had to pull the plug on a concrete pour half way through 250m3 of concrete cos I got a call from one of the drivers to say that the groundworkers were having a fight with the chippies and the plasterers..........hmmmmm seems to be a theme there. Never did find out who won....


BIG difference between proper door staff and bullys doug.. trust me..

Good to hear it Dave, my son got beaten up by 5 of them who didn't seem to like his face, standing in a queue for a Wimpy burger...was in hospital for a week, a police woman witnessed the unprovoked attack but nothing was ever done.. he was a student in Nottingham, and is peaceful chap... had to get closer to read the menu as he didn't have his glasses on, they didn't like it... good to hear there is a difference, good to hear... keep repeating it...


we were warned that we would be prosecuted for asssualt if we did anything like that

we always had to approach from the front but you have to be quick as they will bury their pint glass in you, ive got a lovely scar on my right palm where I had to defend myself by putting my hand up to stop a broken bottle going into my face

the other lads were close behind me and gave him a kicking he would never forget

so from a doormans point of view grabbing someone and throwing them isnt cowardly , its self preservation as it prevents them from grabbing a glass or bottle, no acrylic glasses in those days

doug boardley

we were warned that we would be prosecuted for asssualt if we did anything like that

we always had to approach from the front but you have to be quick as they will bury their pint glass in you, ive got a lovely scar on my right palm where I had to defend myself by putting my hand up to stop a broken bottle going into my face

the other lads were close behind me and gave him a kicking he would never forget

so from a doormans point of view grabbing someone and throwing them isnt cowardly , its self preservation as it prevents them from grabbing a glass or bottle, no acrylic glasses in those days
I didn't tell the full story tbh Mike,,, some pusher was trying to get my niece into the drug culture, I was having a stern word with the scumbag, (better me telling him than my brother 'cos my brother would have knocked the living daylights out of him), but apparently the bouncer was also "in" on the racket so decided to eject me asap, oh and this wasn't the first run in I'd had with scumbag pusher, I gave him and some of his mates a pasting a coupe of years previous when they tried mugging me on way home from a night out, luckily I'd not had any liquor that night and my shotokan training came to the fore:thumbsup:

Colour Republic

Was sat outside a Brtighton nightclub in my mates car, suddenly the doors fly open and out bounces this guy down a flight of steps, a few choice words and the guys on his way. 10 mins later a Range Rover pulls up along side us and I notice it's the same guy who just got checked down the flight of stairs quickly followed by the realisation he now has a gun in his hand pointing it over the top of our car!, don't know what happened 'cos about 0.5 second later we where doing about a hundred down the road!

david campbell

yeah i've no time for bouncers either,got a bit of a going over from 2 of the local "pitbulls"and due to a few dodgy bar workers also got done for assault,did get my own back when one of them tried to go for me again and didn't realise there were 3 coppers about 20 feet behind him!

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