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TBH honest I have never in my life gone out looking for a fight but i've walked in to some clubs and instantly felt aggressive because of the attitude coming from the bouncers and it puts a downer on the night before you even begin. The clubs in Brighton with the least amout of trouble are the clubs with friendly bouncers and almost all of those have at least one female bouncer on the door too.

There is one club in Brighton that springs to mind, one of the busiest too, that has some of the nicest bouncers I've ever met, very little trouble and I make a point of thanking them for a good night when I leave, the other clubs I feel compelled to push them out the way as i'm leaving as nine times at of ten they are blocking the door way giving the F off vibes to anybody that dares to go near them, I don't need it on a night out.

I understand the crap that goes on and I understand the danger they put themselves in, believe me I know, I worked in the clubbing scene, I've seen some nasty sights. A good bouncer should have the experience to sniff out the trouble, even if it does come from some of the most unexpected quiet punters on occassion, and not just treat everybody as though they are a threat. I'm not a threat, but p me off enough and I just might be.

whoops i'm ranting


I didn't tell the full story tbh Mike,,, some pusher was trying to get my niece into the drug culture, I was having a stern word with the scumbag, (better me telling him than my brother 'cos my brother would have knocked the living daylights out of him), but apparently the bouncer was also "in" on the racket so decided to eject me asap, oh and this wasn't the first run in I'd had with scumbag pusher, I gave him and some of his mates a pasting a coupe of years previous when they tried mugging me on way home from a night out, luckily I'd not had any liquor that night and my shotokan training came to the fore:thumbsup:

that was starting to go on when I stopped doing the doors

we were moved around several venues through the week , most were pubs and a couple of nightclubs, part of our mission was to eject pushers asap as it could cost the owners their licence to sell alcohol, we were constantly being offered backhanders to turn a blind eye, I always refused as my guvnor made it clear that we would we have him to deal with

I left the firm just as licensing came in, my guvnor couldnt get licenced so couldnt get any more contracts and I didnt fancy working anywhere else, it was all gettting silly with bomber jackets , radios and skinhead haircuts

I wore a suit or dinner jacket and short hair

I had an air of authority not a threatening look, I never injured anyone, hit them or threw anyone down steps, nine times out of ten they would put their hands and say ok im going, ill walk out I dont need carrying

it all changed when licencing came in, they recruited from the gyms as they werent allowed to use anyone with a criminal record for serious assualt, the old school doorman who would give you a slap if you didnt behave and could back up the threat was gone to be replaced by licenced thugs with something to prove , we didnt have to look hard as we were hard and they knew it

the bouncers that went after Gs son were probably licenced as licencing has been in for a good few years now


Around 8 years ago Mike... bad memories ... and no one ever got punished for it.. we had the scariest of all calls from the police, also that the incident was witnessed by one of their colleagues, that Wimpy's camera will show it all, too as it was right outside, etc etc and then it all just died down and when I called again about what was happening basically we were told that it was being looked into, after that it disappeared from their records it seems...luckily my son healed well after a few weeks, but it did change him, made him much more negative about justice and England etc... he is in Australia now, perhaps that is a coincidence, perhaps not.


OMG what are you lot -like!! ether being beaten -up by them or are ex-bouncer's!!:yikes::yikes::yikes:
forget meeting up!!!:lol: it will be a PUNCH-UP if you have a few Drink's :rolleyes5::rolleyes5::rolleyes5:

Gulp, I see what you mean, Dave ..:lol:. different world isn't it... but I get the feeling most of here have left this world behind, the benefits of wisdom that comes with middle age, eh? I've never even been to a club or with bouncers, never, not once in my life, fancy that! :daisy:
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