I tried to get my heating into Topps once, they wanted free phone numbers, they wanted to deal with NO problems, they wanted in-house training (with such a high staff turnover that's out of the question really) and no wonder BAL can't find the time to entertain their demands (my words, not BAL or Topps there!). Though I do know BAL do work with Topps training still a bit. And certainly support to any customer is support. And BAL do good support alright.
But CTD have been having trade days with LOADS of firms in, which is a big bonus, they get traders hitting the stores - and learning about all the right gear - and it's win:win:win. Topps have done it - but as we can see - they have their new way to deal with the trade (almost kick them out of the store and give the work to their "approved" tilers?) so I'm not knocking topps there, as CTD are getting the benefit - and I think BAL will like that also.
Read into that however. I think Topps may be putting the frightners out, perhaps it's near 'kick-back' time where BAL have to get their cheque book out maybe?