Training 20th November 2009

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Nice to hear you are well again Suzie,
Come on lads this is a great chance to have an excellant day at Mapei and have all questions answered....see i never mentioned freebies once...oops :thumbsup:
Glad to hear you're okay Suzie. Hope it wasn't piggy flu.
If you have emailed Suzie then you all should have had a confirmation email and an itinery of the day along with travel instructions.
Hey Everyone,:welcome:

Thanks so far to everyone who has expressed interest!:hurray:

We had a fantastic response and we're really taken back by how many of you would like to take part!

Just to recap; we filled the Training 20th November more or less in a day, which meant there were a lot of you who wanted to take part but we couldn't fit you in that day😳 we organised another date in December, the 14th but just as we were moving you guys on to that Training Day (who we couldn't fit in the 20th Nov) we run out of space again! 😳We're not leaving anyone out so... we've added another date January 18th 2010!

Today ~ everyone who’s expressed an interest in attending should have the following;
· Know which day 20th November, 14th December or 18th January you are attending on or confirming whether you can make it.:thumbsup:
· If you are attending either November 20th or December 18th - you should have an email with your Agenda and Directions:thumbsup:
· If you have been emailed about the January 18th Training; I’ll send out that Agenda on November 30th (this should give you chance to see whether you can make it or provisionally book your space to attend, it is a long way off but it comes round very quickly!):thumbsup:
I apologise for the time it's taken to make sure everyone has the opportunity to attend the Training.😳

If you need anything/information/questions/problems/check dates or times/emails/agenda's just email me on [email protected] :hurray:
Thanks everyone!
Suze :thumbsup:
HI Everyone,

BIG THANK YOU to everyone who made it today!!

Hoped all enjoyed the day; the presentation, the tour, the demonstrations, the traning and of course, the buffet and samples!! :smilewinkgrin:

We really apreciated your feedback and for taking the time out of your week to visit us. :thumbsup:

If you need anything - information, samples etc just let us know!

Thanks again,

Does anybody know of any dates for the mapei training days in 2010? would really like to go to one but have missed this years. :thumbsdown:
HI Everyone,
i'll be contacting everyone who's expressed their interest for the Training 18th January 2010; if you haven't but would like to, email us [email protected] or call me in marketing 0121 508 6970 - option 4!:hurray:

Thanks to everyone who has already taken part in the Training Programme; you'll be happy to hear that our new Training has been taking shape and soon be up for use too!

Thanks again! :thumbsup:

Marketing Ast.


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