Trowelling method

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I very rarely use the flat side of the trowel; just the grooved edge.

While we're on this subject, I was working with a guy a few weeks ago who only ever butters the tile, never the wall. I asked him about it and he just smiled and said it was less messy in his grout lines and worked well in the hot weather when the adhesive dried too quickly on the wall. But that day it was freezing outside! And he was pretty quick too. (Definitely quicker than me, but then most people are!)
Anyone else work this way?
i know 2 guys who work this way for sure.they get no probs of them is one hell of a good tiler too.he has worked for me on jobs too.he pushes the tiles well onto the wall.doesnt a lot of foreign tilers do this too?i dont but if an awkward corner on wall or something needs it that way it gets it.
comeing from a plastering background i use a bucket trowel on to a hawk then off hawk on to wall,but just lately iv'e been thinking of it and going from bucket trowel to tile trowel to wall :lol::lol:
i seen a guy one day actually throwing the addy at the wall before attacking it with and old rusted trowel:yikes: splat :20:
i seen a guy one day actually throwing the addy at the wall before attacking it with and old rusted trowel:yikes: splat :20:

you been watching me! :lol:
seriously though i use a bucket trowel onto flat edge spread then comb, and as someone said awkward corners or cuts get buttered! its like most things really theres no right or wrong way as long as the tiles are gonna stay put! :thumbsup:
obviously it seems whatever your comfortable with :smilewinkgrin: im a trowel - bucket - wall man myself i work much quicker that way, i cant imagine buttering every tile ! that would really slow me down but the proofs in the puddin as they say so if end result is good dont matter if ya do it with ya feet really :thumbsup:
you would be losing money bartlett !!!! you could do 2 walls at the same time :lol: and have a brew with your other hand
i stick the trowel into the bucket and spread away the only time i used to back butter tiles only if in a awkward place to spread the adhesive
Depending on the situation I sometimes use a hawk. I quite like it, anybody else tried?


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