Discuss Unbelievable in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.




I also contacted the customer, as I thought that we could assist her to put it right and I was do dismayed that she had been treated shabbily.

We have some of the best tilers in London working for us and I am extremely disappointed that a Moderator has the ability to select "one of the boys" from outside London for a job in London advertised on the Forum

I am constantly telling customers who contact me, when I am unable to assist, to advertise their jobs on the Forum, because I thought it was open for all registered members to seek the work on their abilities - but obviously I am mistaken.



Dougs Third Go


I also contacted the customer, as I thought that we could assist her to put it right and I was do dismayed that she had been treated shabbily.

We have some of the best tilers in London working for us and I am extremely disappointed that a Moderator has the ability to select "one of the boys" from outside London for a job in London advertised on the Forum

I am constantly telling customers who contact me, when I am unable to assist, to advertise their jobs on the Forum, because I thought it was open for all registered members to seek the work on their abilities - but obviously I am mistaken.


I think, with all due respect Anne, that 'beams name would've popped up on the radar first due to the amount of time, energy and posts he's committed to TF over the years.



I also contacted the customer, as I thought that we could assist her to put it right and I was do dismayed that she had been treated shabbily.

We have some of the best tilers in London working for us and I am extremely disappointed that a Moderator has the ability to select "one of the boys" from outside London for a job in London advertised on the Forum

I am constantly telling customers who contact me, when I am unable to assist, to advertise their jobs on the Forum, because I thought it was open for all registered members to seek the work on their abilities - but obviously I am mistaken.



Firstly i am not a Moderator or Admin .... the customer phoned me and asked if Mark ( Whitebeam) was a good tiler and i said yes most definitely .. not my problem if your comp was not selected and you cannot expect to win every job you pm looking for work.. simple as that and seen as i do not know you or your hubby , then i recommend tradesmen i know and who's work is top notch ..

I also said that if Mark was not available then they should ask Timeless John as he too is a top tiler and covers the London area , oh and is not a Moderator..

Dougs Third Go

I don't know how far Mark is from London tbh Anne, but say a job 20-30 miles from me popped up I'd be a bit peeved if someone else from Kendal area got recommended for it even though they may be nearer to the actual location, can you imagine having nearing 30,000 posts, all the input into the forum and the hours spent trying to dispense good advice, then another person with a fraction of your input gets the heads up over you?



That's not the point I made - Dave recommended another Moderator not based in London - equal opportunities for vacancies should apply based on the pm sent to the customer from the registered members . I get lots of work from the recommendations that we have on the Forum and my tilers deserve a fair bite of the cherry when work is advertised.


Read my above reply... Fact is i was asked , i do know you pm for lots of work on here and if you do not get selected then take it on the chin and move on .


If I advertised for a a tiler on here and was PM'd by someone with a couple of hundred posts and someone who was a moderator and trusted adviser with nearly 26k posts I know who I would choose. Thousands of hours have gone into building a profile like that on here and with respect if Whitebeam's willing to travel then he deserves the job wherever it is in the country! No offence intended Anne, it's just the way I see it.

Time's Ran Out

As my name has been mentioned in an earlier post I've taken the opportunity to add to the development of this thread.
From what I understood the customer contacted 'the best tiler on the forum' - Dave - (her words) and he was too busy/out of his area to consider the job but that he had recommended me as I often do work in the south! The lady contacted me last week and I arranged to visit for a site meeting over the weekend /early next week. As with most jobs you never expect to be the only estimate and since the customer has been let down, her priority is to have a good job done. As I have just found out Mark was also recommended and he has already been and done the business which is perfect because I can now find out how much he's charged and undercut him:lol: . So the client has 2 and possibly more tilers prepared to provide a service.
As I've said to many new members in the introduction post - you only get out what you put in - and if a potential client looks at the input of all members, they can see if that tiler is committed to the trade, wishing to put back something to help others, view work completed, or see if they are old farts who look anywhere to top up their pension.
On the alternative side to the situation, what can get up my nose is the members who just come on this great forum to look for work in that section and add little more than 40 posts per year in 7 years.

Now where did I put my golf clubs - it's men only day on the links!


The thread seems to be getting off track but my thought on the latest posts.
When ever I am asked for a tiler ( Assuming I am not interested in the job etc) Then I simply pass on the names that I feel are best for this type of work or based on the area.
Those on here that use the forum for input rather than gain get my respect and get noticed by me and no doubt others. Those that talk about jobs they have recently completed with enthusiasm and back it up with photos etc again are the ones that get noticed.
The forum is all about input and the more you can put in the more you can gain. That said dont think that even the top posters on here have the monopoly, They , We , Us all stil have to deal with the cowboys and the clients who want work done on the cheap.
So going back to recommendations, you must be known on a better level than just a name for the person concerned to recommend you in the 1st place.
Recently I have recommended 3 tilers from the forum to people who have contacted me. 2 jobs were Victorian floors, I recommended TJ and Phil Hobson. The other job was for cleaning a floor and Enduro got that recommendation. I have no idea if any of the clients actually contacted these people, it was just me trying to find what I felt was the best person I know for that job.
Are you saying that you should be recommended for every job in London ? Its a big place and where does that leave the likes of Gary the tiler, PJC, Tony, protilers ?


As my name has been mentioned in an earlier post I've taken the opportunity to add to the development of this thread.
From what I understood the customer contacted 'the best tiler on the forum' - Dave - (her words) and he was too busy/out of his area to consider the job but that he had recommended me as I often do work in the south! The lady contacted me last week and I arranged to visit for a site meeting over the weekend /early next week. As with most jobs you never expect to be the only estimate and since the customer has been let down, her priority is to have a good job done. As I have just found out Mark was also recommended and he has already been and done the business which is perfect because I can now find out how much he's charged and undercut him:lol: . So the client has 2 and possibly more tilers prepared to provide a service.
As I've said to many new members in the introduction post - you only get out what you put in - and if a potential client looks at the input of all members, they can see if that tiler is committed to the trade, wishing to put back something to help others, view work completed, or see if they are old farts who look anywhere to top up their pension.
On the alternative side to the situation, what can get up my nose is the members who just come on this great forum to look for work in that section and add little more than 40 posts per year in 7 years.

Now where did I put my golf clubs - it's men only day on the links!

"old farts topping up there pension" lol, well said john, between them and the other money grabbers in this trade, we have been left with a very poorly tiled Britain!


I posted a job on here a while back which was in london, i asked people to pm me and i would pass on the clients contact details. Several people did pm me, and i did pass on the details to some but not all, does that make it unfair? i don't think so. I passed on details to the people who i thought would do the best job, that live closer than me, and yes i feel confident with the posts and knowledge that they input on here. You can tell with what these guys reply and say that they know there stuff. Getting upset over not getting a job or not getting a look in is something that should have been left in the schoolyard.


I've seen this job 3 days ago.Honestly I have not been able to say a price. I felt bad.The adhesive sold by the tile company was Ardex rapid set,and was not enough,and the lady buy more two different types for local tile shop.This disaster could happen in houses,but when you have to repair from a big company, with architects, designers, building managers,what do you think?This work was more then 350 sqm,in HARROLDS. job_063[1].jpg 2012-06-05 20.10.34.jpg 2012-06-07 22.06.18.jpg 2012-06-14 22.59.34.jpg 2012-06-25 23.43.30.jpg 1341876930826.jpg 2012-07-10 00.35.44.jpg I need work there for 22 night,in 4 persons.


Right Lynn,hello:thumbsup:.I do not have anything against those who are beginning,or as in this case, those who are at the same time,electrician, plumber, bricklayer and painter.I personally after 25 years, still learning about tile.Maybe in another life I learn something else.But which can not accept is to have supervisors, 4 or 5 every night, that did not stop the disaster but know all you need to do,and are paid exactly to supervise the proper execution of work.


The problem was Eduardo, it wasn't a 'tiling contractor' that did the work the first time around, the only reason they got it was because they got it on the submitted price. So it says it all really...pay peanuts get monkeys.

Lets get back onto the subject here though, I know Anne is upset about the 'personal recommendation' but Anne I am sure your company also gets work on personal recommendation all the time. Its a better system than showing a portfolio of completed projects, when someone is engaging a sub contractor to do works they need to be assured they have the right person for the job. In this case it was a job that went rotten, so even more importantly it cannot go wrong the second time around. Anne I take exception to the remark about you believing you have the best 'tilers in London' that is somewhat of a sweeping statement. There are many great tilers in London, but this is more than just a tiling job, the client is going to have to be baby sat all the way through, due to what has happened in the past. Did you seriously want to spend the time doing this?

I personally have no problem with personal recommendations, you win some you lose some.


Andy Allen


I was trying not to open up pandora's box - I have said what i had to say on equal opportunities for work advertised and will not comment further on this.

I said we had some of the best tilers in London - I know you only use the best as well.

Best Wishes


after skimming through some of your post, seems youv'e done quite well out of the forum considering your limited input, can't see as you have much to complain about really..

ever heard the saying ' dont bite the hand that feeds you'...:smilewinkgrin:

White Room

Do you know how deep the WUFH is? Will you get it all up with an SDS?

At the front door the screed is about 40mm on top of Kingspan, the bulk of the floor has'nt been checked though but she also told me that they had to lift the front door and frame so it fitted at that end of the floor.

did they pay the muppet..?

Yes Andy he had been paid from my understanding.

Who's paying for the quartz or did most of it come up cleanly?

All of it came up cleanly so theres a chance there'll be alot of Quartz for sale.

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