Unplastered area behind bath.Help!!!

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nice trick is tooo get some bonding and muilti finish you can get them marked down in price if the bag is riped i get most of mine that way they just put a bag over it sorted ££££££££2 job done
mix your bonding as you do then put in a blob of PVA in it and a good hand fell of muilti in it too so its creamy so you get a backing coat and a finish coat in one trust me it works iv done it loads of times and on finishing jobs too too build up the wall
:dizzy2: works over artex too
i use muilti the most over most reskims over new/old plasterboard artex not used board finish alot
so are you one coating with a mix of bonding and skim or not, I'm getting confused here as to what you're trying to say:20:because what I've quoted here contradicts what you said in post 18
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me too Col:lol: but definitely don't tile on bonding or bonding/skim mix if OP is still reading this thread! Me? I'm gonna have a large glass of wine:lol:
what he's saying is this....

i'll explain the proper (for any novices reading this) way very quickly and then you'll see how tilingspread has adapted his method...it'll all make sense now

when you plaster over artex, you are supposed to seal the artex and then cover the artex with a coat of thistle bonding, then 2 hours later skim the ceiling to a finish. (as you would when doing a wall in float and set)

some plasterers dont bother using the thistle bonding first to cover the artex..they mix the plaster/skim and put a couple of handfulls of thistle bonding into the 1st mix/coat. this makes the 1st coat a bit thicker (a bit of body) it also gives it a bit more sticking capacity too. they then put the 2nd coat of plaster on (without any bonding in the mix) and finish as you would normally when skimming..

so in effect, they have saved time and got the job done quicker..
recap, they have skimmed the ceiling but put some bonding in the 1st coat, thats all..

just to add, if you are going to do this, then remember that the artex needs to be shallow because whether you add bonding or not, skimming coats should never exceed 4-5 mm or it will crack for sure especially on ceilings when kids are jumping about on the above floor!!!

also, i would also recommend using an acryllic bonding agent in place of pva as this creates a more stable surface to plaster on the artex. it controls the suction more evenly and doesnt break down in the same way pva does (i know you all know that too) :thumbsup:
I've skimmed on so many artex ceiling, the usual thing was to scrape as flat as possible, thin a pva mix to seal then when dry a thicker coat of pva, let get tacky then skim.

The trouble with artex is how well it was put on, when re-artexing the usual was to scrape the existing pattern, artex sealer then caulk out the ceiling using artex.

If the sealer was'nt used then when skimming the artex can bulge due to the moisture soaking in and then it becomes a total mess trying to cut out the bulge in the ceiling.

Over tack is the best way.
I can't see where TS mentions thistlebond, Ed,. I think he's talking about bonding basecoat and skim:thumbsup:
here go's over artex use PVA/WBA/bondit
the thing with WBA/bondit its a primer to put in the night before let dry prime in the morning then start skiming or just two good coats of a good PVA same day.
If your bonding out walls befor you start skiming say your mixing 1bag of bonding at a time then try adding 5/6 hands of muilti finish but put in a little more water in first to compensate for the muilti finish
it helps cream up the mix if your not that good with bonding coat your right DONT tile over bonding tile over muilti or board finish.
there you go a little trick of the trade out too the public :thumbsup: if done my good deed for today
I only use bonding for patching anyway, in 30 odd years of plastering/tiling, I've never used bonding for a full wall......anyway, it's getting away from original thread title now:lol:


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