Update: Removed some of the banners from usernames

Tilers Forums Official Sponsors


Staff member
To make the threads less cluttered, I've removed some of the banners from usernames. Note that I have NOT removed any members from any of the usergroups they were in, just some of the banners.

So now, if I've done it correctly, you will all have just the one banner near your name, and it'll be the banner with the highest level. So the levels/banners go as follows....

  • Registered Users in now group = No banner
  • TilersForums Arms = Red Banner
  • Trusted Advisor = Green Banner
  • Company Support = Blue Banner
  • JOTM & JOTY = Yellow & Orange Banners respectively
  • Sponsors = Light Green Banner with Purple Username
  • Staff = Grey Banner
The Top Poster Of the Month banner will be applied to the top poster on top of this. And I have my 'Not a Tiler' banner along with my staff banner. Other staff will have their Trusted Advisor tag along with their Staff Banner.

If you've won JOTM you'll get that banner only. If you've won JOTY you'll get that banner only. Could perhaps maybe do with showing if they're trusted advisors or just tilersforums arms too. But I didn't have time t configure it. So let's roll with it as it is and see how we get on.

When I switched the sparky forum over to this software we use here, I did this, and people quickly got used to it. Threads are much tidier now IMO. Especially on mobile and small devices where it did look a bit cluttered.
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It does explain in the first post. If I started as a trusted before staff I'd just have staff but I'm not a tiler and all the others are trusted. So it needed to be clear.


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