Discuss urine infection. in the Australia Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com.

Sean Kelly

Bit of a strange subject title for a tiling forum, but that’s what I’ve had for the past 10 days.

It all started with the shivers last Saturday week. Midnight and bedtime, I could not get rested. I was wrapped up in clothes, dressing gown and duvet and I was absolutely freezing.
Sunday morning I woke to the worlds biggest hangover. Crushing head, eyes feeling like rocks. I managed a small bowl of ready brek and back to bed with some headache tablets.
This carried on till Wednesday when I called my Doctor with my symptoms. He got me round to the surgery straight away and started me on a course of antibiotics for a urine infection.

So, from Sunday to Wednesday I had only eaten 2 small bowls of cerial and 4 slices of toast.

By Thursday I was worse so I rang the new NHS Direct. I told the operator I was eating Anadins like Smarties. She said what’s Anadin !!!!! She also asked me to turn the lights off and turn them back on again……..do your eyes hurt?............It was 14:00 in the afternoon!!!

Straight to A&E and spent a night being hooked up to a drip, and giving loads of blood/urine for testing purposes. Chucked out of bed the following afternoon, then sat in the waiting room for 4 hours for my discharge papers and meds. I was feeling worse coming out of hospital than I had going in.

Back home Friday night and back to bed fully topped up with pain killers and antibiotics and fluids.

I have now emerged on Tuesday morning feeling a little bit better and now feel that I am on the mend.

This infection really knocked the stuffing out of me. I was not able to do anything except sleep and feel totally sick. I’ve lost 7llbs but I’m sure that will pile on again within the next few days.

I turned down one new job and had to pass on 2 other jobs I had booked in.

In my whole working career this infection has literally brought me to my knees for 2 weeks (as I won’t be working the rest of the week). Plus I have to go back to the hospital on Friday for tests.

Why did’t I go to the hospital earlier?.........because I Googled my symptoms and it said I had a ‘virus’ !!!!!!! Ummmmmm
Yep , forget google in future , get straight to docs. Take it from someone who knows. First major flare i had of my long term illness i left it too long ( as blokes do ) and lost 2.5 stone in the process, ended up spending 1 month in hospital. Learnt my lesson , cos in '11 i spotted it early, and oy lost lost 0.5 stone b4 being admitted, which led to only 3 weeks in hospital that time :).
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Sean Kelly

Bit of a **** up (pardon the pun!) with appointments. supposed to have appointment tomorrow, but it got cancelled yesterday and a new one set for yesterday! Yes, NHS sent me a letter on the day of cancellation! Anyway, been to hospital today and Doc said I have an enlarged prostate. I'm 50 in about 6 weeks, so that's spot on for when these things start to happen. The enlargement shows up in a blood test. So more tests and appointment to come. Nearly lost a stone in weight in less than 2 weeks, but feeling better.

Living on Covent Garden chicken soup and shortbread biscuits!

Looking forward to going back to work now.
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