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How will you vote in the EU referendum?

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Time's Ran Out

Sky sports reporter in Paris summed up the affect LEAVE will have on football - the European players will want paying in Euros and it will cost an extra €3 million to buy a certain player because of the fall in the £.
Who the duck is bothered!
For all the time Cameron has been the Prime Minister the Daily Mirror states under its headline - he is going to be remembered for ' pushing through the changes in gay marriage laws'
Who the duck is bothered!
The President of the eu wants us out now, not when we are ready, but now.
Just about says it all.


I just hope that now we are are out, we are up to the challenge!!

For years people have been saying this country is not what it was and that's not just down to immigration or being in Europe, it's about an attitude thing. Training standards have been shocking, investment has been poor, selling our industries off has been a killer and the lack of hope for many young people has caused a 'what's the point attitude'

So, now we have the independence, let's make sure we have the determination, the creativity, the patience! the self confidence and the belief that we can all put 100% into our selves and then we will see the change in others and in the country we are all desperate for. If we do that, then we might just be able to start using that word great again.

By the way, Great doesn't just mean successful and powerful, it means humble, humility and the ability to inspire and help others who need it!

So the talkings over now and the decision has been made. It doesn't matter whether you voted stay or go, both decisions took courage, thought and good intentions. it was close, very close so I hope the people of this country do not turn on each other or other nations because there was a very charismatic man from Austria who walked a similar path and we all know the ending to that story?

Anyway, all the best and let's look forward to a bright future because that's the only way to make it happen.

Just Rizzle

the only way to get determination and creativity in government is to have a diverse parliament.
we will never get this because there are to many lawyers and political professionals who have no experience out side of politics and law. another thing the people have spoken in this referendum but there are politicians who are planning to veto the peoples voice as it still has to be ratified by parliament because it may wreck there gravy train.

Concrete guy

The Brexit propaganda/lies is now coming back to haunt them. Boris and Gove looked in shock when they made their speeches after Camerons. Cameron has played a blinder, whoever is the PM is going to be stuffed.

I disagree, Cameron called the referendum to win votes in the last general election and it worked.

The last thing he expected though was for the populous to vote out, that really wasn't part of the plan. As he campaigned heavily for Remain his position became untenable the moment the result was declared.

He had to resign as you couldn't have a prime minter that voted to remain then left to negotiate the exit.

He hasn't played a blinder, he's shot himself in the foot and created the situation we now find ourselves in.

As we stand right now we are still members of the EU and no intention to leave has been formally issued to the EU. The Uk public by a 4% margin has stated to the government that we would like to leave the EU.

The Govt now has to put together a team of people to deal with this, which is no mean feat. The conservatives also have to have a leadership election to elect a new PM who will guide the Exit process.

Once this has happened Article 50 will be instigated and the 2 year leave process will start. No one in the EU has the power to tell us when to instigate article 50, that is the right of the country wanting to leave and their right alone.

The earliest Brexit will even start is October.

The only two people that can really be considered for the PM job are Boris or Michael Gove given their stand with the Leave campaign. That said, whoever takes the PM job will only last as long as the exit takes or until the next general election as it will be a thankless task.


several politicians impressed me in the past few weeks on both labour and conservatives, Daniel Hammans speech to the oxford union was really good and John Mann from Labour always comes across as a straight talking guy even if I don't always agree with what he says I am impressed by him ,
the losers ,baroness varsi , cant remember his name but the labour mp for Tottenham who is calling MPs to ignore the result of the vote , and the chancellor with all his scare mongering

Just Rizzle

several politicians impressed me in the past few weeks on both labour and conservatives, Daniel Hammans speech to the oxford union was really good and John Mann from Labour always comes across as a straight talking guy even if I don't always agree with what he says I am impressed by him ,
the losers ,baroness varsi , cant remember his name but the labour mp for Tottenham who is calling MPs to ignore the result of the vote , and the chancellor with all his scare mongering
have a feeling this week Osbourne will have to quit as he was threatening a post brexit budget which will be voted down he was in the pms pants so his position is untenable. he was also saying there was no plan b which was shot down by the B of E governor. the first thing that should happen is the creation of a department of trade which can negotiate our own trade deals. the first should be with china as this is the biggest fast growing economy followed by india usa and yes Russia there are over 3 billion peoples in these countries alone. the futures bright if we get a strong pm who has the strength to go for it.


Police have found a clue:



if we want true democracy in this country then we need a second electoral chamber not a house for has been politicians were over 800 claim there expense's and pompous privilege's for doing absolutely nothing

why do we need a second chamber.... why not just abolish the house of lords and have one electoral chamber....

Concrete guy

why do we need a second chamber.... why not just abolish the house of lords and have one electoral chamber....

There needs to be someone keeping an eye on the decision makers, just in case.

Whilst the Lords is historically a plutocracy it has had some reform and doesn't carry the same clout it used to. This reform could be extended further though.

On one

I disagree, Cameron called the referendum to win votes in the last general election and it worked.

The last thing he expected though was for the populous to vote out, that really wasn't part of the plan. As he campaigned heavily for Remain his position became untenable the moment the result was declared.

He had to resign as you couldn't have a prime minter that voted to remain then left to negotiate the exit.

He hasn't played a blinder, he's shot himself in the foot and created the situation we now find ourselves in.

As we stand right now we are still members of the EU and no intention to leave has been formally issued to the EU. The Uk public by a 4% margin has stated to the government that we would like to leave the EU.

The Govt now has to put together a team of people to deal with this, which is no mean feat. The conservatives also have to have a leadership election to elect a new PM who will guide the Exit process.

Once this has happened Article 50 will be instigated and the 2 year leave process will start. No one in the EU has the power to tell us when to instigate article 50, that is the right of the country wanting to leave and their right alone.

The earliest Brexit will even start is October.

The only two people that can really be considered for the PM job are Boris or Michael Gove given their stand with the Leave campaign. That said, whoever takes the PM job will only last as long as the exit takes or until the next general election as it will be a thankless task.
So......not for the first time we get an Prime Minister that the public did not vote for?


I disagree, Cameron called the referendum to win votes in the last general election and it worked.

The last thing he expected though was for the populous to vote out, that really wasn't part of the plan. As he campaigned heavily for Remain his position became untenable the moment the result was declared.

He had to resign as you couldn't have a prime minter that voted to remain then left to negotiate the exit.

He hasn't played a blinder, he's shot himself in the foot and created the situation we now find ourselves in.

As we stand right now we are still members of the EU and no intention to leave has been formally issued to the EU. The Uk public by a 4% margin has stated to the government that we would like to leave the EU.

The Govt now has to put together a team of people to deal with this, which is no mean feat. The conservatives also have to have a leadership election to elect a new PM who will guide the Exit process.

Once this has happened Article 50 will be instigated and the 2 year leave process will start. No one in the EU has the power to tell us when to instigate article 50, that is the right of the country wanting to leave and their right alone.

The earliest Brexit will even start is October.

The only two people that can really be considered for the PM job are Boris or Michael Gove given their stand with the Leave campaign. That said, whoever takes the PM job will only last as long as the exit takes or until the next general election as it will be a thankless task.

Exactly, whoever takes over is stuffed. He played a blinder leaving now and not instigating Article 50 and leaving it to the mug who takes over, hopefully Boris who was after his job.

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