Vote Leave Or Vote Remain?

How will you vote in the EU referendum?

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hence the reason i dont want another referendum. in fact i dont believe we should have for a number of years.
i suppose if you are english you have every right to get bored of nicola sturgeon bleeting on. but she does have a point . scotland has voted the opposite from rest of uk and she has been appointed to speak for the scottish people,
ha ha i had a quick look and i thought it was weak , but i thought i might have got away with it, i had a quick look in google then realised i cant be bothered sifting through websites about nigel farage, he is a politician therefore he will have lied many many times,
farage is an embarrassment . he is a liar and a racist .,, and boris is pretty much just like him,. i never really liked cameron ( mostly because i would never vote conservative) but he looks like a decent politician compared to these two.

It's interesting how people can see the same situation from different points of view. Farage loves to bang on about the EU, and doesn't seem to know when to back off, so I agree he can end up acting like a prat, but being fair to him, it's only his persistence that's got us to this stage. And whilst Boris can be a bit of a clown, he's never really had to be serious before now, but at least he calls things straight, and apart from the £350M on the Leave bus, I haven't seen him lie about anything (apart from his infidelities). Cameron on the other hand, has been a career politician all his life, and he knows how to twist things to his advantage, and I think like Blair, he believes his own lies, or feels that as long as he achieves what he wants, then it's okay to lie.

Someone let slip that Cameron never intended to negotiate hard with the EU, and everyone could see that his supposed EU reforms were crap, and then when he then turned round and told us we need to stay in, it was obvious where he was coming from. He and Osborne talked down the economy, and created a self fulfilling prophecy, and the markets followed suit. I reckon that you shouldn't be allowed to be a politician till you've had at least a managerial role in a real world company, and you've then got to be prepared to wear a voice stress meter round you're neck when you speak to the electorate.

Scotland gave 16 year olds the vote, knowing they would vote to remain. Caroline Lucas wanted 16 year olds in the UK to have the same rights, and Cameron shot himself in the foot not allowing it, but the youth of the world are only interested in having fun, not in sifting through the lies politicians tell. I wonder what the remain vote in Scotland would have been if they hadn't had the youth vote, and would it reverse itself again if they had another Independence vote.
things doesnt look great.i am very sad for numerous reasons.
ok,the vote result is leave. fine...can live with that.
what is really worrysome is that,all the leaders and politicians who would need to stand up now and have balls this time,kept quiet and nothing happening.the situation is highly unstable,uncertain and it doesnt looks good at all for UK. Since the vote, i study the politics and statistics as much i have time and can understand both side motivation.i can tell its bloody hard..there isnt any proper analysis other than the falling reputation due to the uncertainity and the generated panic by the media.i am really sick of this now and would like to see some strength of the goverment to stand up and stabilize the situation.have balls to sign Article 50 and do not srew the **** up at the negotiation with the EU.if they sign the single market contract that means the free movement MUST.then we are in even worse position than in the EU considering this topic.
when the German car makers tell the uk we must have free movement of people thats the last straw what next
German sausage makers .time to turn our back on this type of black mail .we trade with the rest of the world
under WTO rules if its good enough for them. its good enough for the eu with the £ likely to stay around 1.32 to 1,38 to the dollar it wont realy add that much cost to exports to the eu . put that deal forward and walk away job finished no two year wait .our banks and pension insurance industries are already making great progress in asaia
india africa and them markets are only getting bigger .

so what else do we export here you go in dollars because that how the rest of the world trades

1 machines and engines $63.9 billion

2 gems and metals $53 billion

3 vehicles $50.7 billion

4 pharmaci $36 billion

5 electronics $29 billion

6 air craft space craft $18.9 billion

7 medical techical equipment $ 18.4 billion

8 organic chemicals $14 billion

9 plastics $11.8 billion

so how many of the 420 million in the eu buys these products probably less than 1 million

WTO rules all day long we will make far more than the eu because all there exports have gone up in
cost to us .but all ours have gone down to them .we have all the cards in our hands we just need a card player
with the bottle to use them .by the way the eu has a free trade agreement with turkey but no free movement.

the eu has proved over and over again they are not businesses people clue less bunch of morons
its time to show them the uk means businesses and this is how its done good bye and good luck eu
The German car makers are actually trying to tell Merkel to take it easy with us, as they now they're on the back foot. But Merkel etc only does politics, not business, so they'll carry on ignoring their own stupidity.

Because the EU didn't think anyone would ever leave, there was never a strategy in place to negotiate the terms before a country committed itself to leave, and I suspect it was intended that way. Now they're demanding we quit, knowing they can put every obstacle in our way, as a method of deterring anyone else.

In some ways, Jeremy Hunt is right to suggest that we negotiate the exit terms, and then have another referendum, but I feel uneasy following that course of action as it makes a bit of a mockery of democracy, and we know it'll be another Cameron style fiddle.

But I suspect there's enough dissatisfied countries out there, for us to threaten to set up our own trading block, and that might make Brussels take notice - or would it.
Article 50 needs triggering now, END OF. Cameron promised it upon a vote to leave. Until it has been triggered everyone is in limbo and the scaremongering is still going strong. Trigger it and things can start moving forward.

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