Then I really hope, fingers, toes and whatever else I can cross that May gets the nod!
This comment suggest you vote Labour, but they who would be even more dissastrous than May becoming PM
Labour allowed unregulated immigration, which got us in to this mess in the first place.
They also spent more than the country earned when in power, so we've now got austerity measures.
They got rid of Grammar schools, and destroyed social mobility.
They wanted 50% of schoolkids to go to university, and most of them are now in dead end jobs with high debts.
And in encouraging so many to go to university, the country couldn't afford to give free education any longer, hence the reason that tuition fees had to go up that got them into debt.
Gordon Brown also encouraged the hospital trusts to use PFI initiative to build hospitals so he could fiddle the books, so the NHS is now saddled with exorbitant repayments costs.
They encouraged the underclass to sit on their rears and collect benefits, and destroyed the work ethic, so we now need immigrants to do the work they won't.
They brought in the minimum wage, and then had to use the benefit system to top up their wages, and this attracts the immigrants to this country who want a better life, but also traps those on low wages. It also sent the benefits budget through the roof, and gave the employers no need to increase wages.
And I could go on for a couple more pages.
Everything that's wrong with this country has been started by the Labour party, and if Corbyn were to get elected, then the unions would drag the country back to the 70's and completely and utterly destroy it.
So do you still want them back in power.