wastage allowance confusion.............

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Labrador is my pet term for Labourer.....................

"who will move all the tiles?"

"the labrador will"

Just add 10% to all your materials - i.e. tiles, adhesive, grout, pegs, etc. - total all the costs up then divide that by the original nett metreage figure. This will give you your m2 rate for materials including your wastage. Then add what you would charge for labour only, including travel, fuel, expenses, etc.:thumbsup:
Ok I’m getting confused now if it is site work and you are supplying the tiles you will invoice the builder for say 20m2 of tiles but your labour will be for 18m2
Yes but no:dizzy2:

You do actually invoice him for the full cost of the 20m2 but only show him it as 18m2.....


10m2 job (nett measure)
add 10 % wastage = 11m2 gross including wastage
say the tiles are £10 per m2
so the cost to you would be:
11m2 x £10 per m2 = £110.00
Now divide that by 10m2 (nett measure)
So you charge the builder £11 per m2 for the tiles-this rate would then include your wastage...
Now apply the same formula to the adhesive, grout, pegs, etc....
then add your per m2 labour only cost and you will be left with your supply AND fix m2 rate.
Is that any clearer?
If not PM me the details of the job and I will price it for you:thumbsup:


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