I'm assuming you work for this company, and are referring to this tile adhesive: Cemtx: Advanced Cement Technologies - http://cemtx.com/tile-adhesive.php
Which states on your own website it is water resistant, and not water proof.
If you think you're the first one to come up with a water resistant cement based tile adhesive you're waaaaay off the line. And if you think your water resistant cement based adhesive is going to stop water getting through to the substrate behind it, you're also waaaaay off the line.
Perhaps you could stop beating about the bush and come clean with this thread and stop wasting our time?
I hate it when people don't come clean about what their motifs are on the forum.
@3_fall spotted this one.
If we are correct, he works for the firm he's about to start talking about lol
Which states on your own website it is water resistant, and not water proof.
If you think you're the first one to come up with a water resistant cement based tile adhesive you're waaaaay off the line. And if you think your water resistant cement based adhesive is going to stop water getting through to the substrate behind it, you're also waaaaay off the line.
Perhaps you could stop beating about the bush and come clean with this thread and stop wasting our time?
I hate it when people don't come clean about what their motifs are on the forum.
@3_fall spotted this one.
If we are correct, he works for the firm he's about to start talking about lol