waterproofing licence

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how many would go and do a waterproofing licence be honest (i think its been posted before) i know its not in your standards over there but why wait for them to catch up say for example wetdeck ran a course yes it would cost and it would take some of your time but would you benefit from it

1 cost money
2take time
3you already know all there is about w/p so it would be boring

1 you get to learn about w/p limitations whats best for different subs and walls
2 you learn which adh can be used
3you gain confidence in application methods
4you may learn something

we have it over here in some states (not compulsory in tas) i have 2 1st one was a joke so i flew to mainland to get a licence and was impressed and learnt heaps, the other advantage is you can say licenced w/p on letters cards web sites and it will get you leads. maybe its time for the tilers to make the step forward over there :8:
Good post Jay, can you put details of what you had to do to pass the test.

That would be an interesting read. Licenses are long overdue here IMO.

i think waterproofing should be licenced and only those that are trained and competant should be permited to carry it out

in fact that scheme should be extended right across the building trade , wether its domestic or site work
the first test was a joke i wont mention company but the instructor read from a brochure and answered a few questions then handed around clip board to get details (name address email ect) i conned the office girl (tiling shop office girl) who was offering free beer to fill in form and guess what she to got a certificate////
the second licence was over a day went into detail about product and limitations applications correct adh lots of pics then did a practical run on application lots of questions then a quick written test which instructor went through results with each applicant individually (which was good) you get to take home data sheets ect then about a month later you receive certificate and when rep is in state you can catch up for improvements , most adh and w/p companies run the course and i found it good i :8:
sounds a good idea,woulndt it benefit from an actual hands on test or two for the guy actually doing the course though jay? my worry would be if they handed these licences out too easily without seeing if the tiler is practically fixing them properly then the licence may become worthless,what im trying to say is theory work is all well but surely practical applications would be neded too?

sorry re read your post you did mention practical test duhh
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no dave not to bad if you are a tiler and understand cure times on subs ect but very interesting gives you confidence in installation and product:8:
Like all licensing, unless it is publicised and regulated it isn't worth the paper. I am very much in favour of tiling and waterproofing to be regulated and licensed, but IMO the cost to educate the sites and general public prohibit government from driving the initiative.

It's a real shame that the public don't recognise how important it is to tile correctly let alone the importance of tanking. Until a governing body take it upon themselves to regulate the industry and educate the general public this will never become a reality.

Maybe the insurance companies should look at how much they pay out due to faulty tiling / waterproofing as this could help fund an initiative?
sounds a good idea,woulndt it benefit from an actual hands on test or two for the guy actually doing the course though jay? my worry would be if they handed these licences out too easily without seeing if the tiler is practically fixing them properly then the licence may become worthless,what im trying to say is theory work is all well but surely practical applications would be neded too?

sorry re read your post you did mention practical test duhh

yes like all licences its hard to govern (like a drivers licence were all taut right from wrong but we all break the law at some stage) :8:

if you think about it w/p is realy a product to help you and customers (idiot proofing) were cowboys leave customers with leaking showers ect


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