What are you tiling next week.?

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I start a 3 car garage floor on monday. Then hopefully on to a geometric hallway early feb. :thumbsup:
20 x40 indoor pool near bristol,place called wootun under edge, render/screed/tile, might be some changing rooms/steamroom , nice we will drive it everyday!!:lol:
bathroom with wet floor shower in trav with trav border.

50m2 tiling to do but this week will be spent on setting the tray, tanking, over boarding with marmox, laying ufh in slc, making boxwork, boxing in the bath and other general prep/laying out.
i have womens and mens toilets and a shower room with the floor tiling connecting all together,bricked walls in nice glazed ceramics 630x300.all in an animal testing facility in Co.Cavan.about 70m2 i think.


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