What do retired tilesetters do

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NVQ's in canada...:lol:.. nah!!!...

Have you hobbies that can transpire into something bigger mike..?..

How about a slot on the TCA...lol lol.. you never know buddy..:thumbsup:

just seen the location 😳stop laffin mr howe, its not funny, ive not got my glasses on and its dark outside...ok i'm stupid
i agree you cant let all that knowledge go to waste mate, people like me need people like you so we can pick your brains, so it looks like something in the teaching/training is the popular choice. Or mabe you could do something in the Mike Homes vain, because of the downturn there as been a lot of cowboys trading you could do a T.V. show exposing the idiots lol.:lol::lol: p.s.keep your chin up and look after yourself because your unique.:thumbsup:
with all that much experience you could either write a book, become a lecturer.
my uncle was a plumber for sometime had enough of all the hassle so he wrote a book on basic plumbing and did some lecturing as well.
and there was me thinking they all retired to their holiday homes in the bahamas:lol: good luck with whatever you choose fella
Well,just looking over all those replies shows me what an awesome site this is and what decent people tilesetters are,thankyou all for your feedback,you all made my day,teaching does seem to be the proper thing to do but the government has their hand in on all the qualifying,that's all taking place on the mainland,I've taught a few guys in my day but when they get confidentenough they just move on,The teaching job at the mainland college would require a major family move,it's all a bit much,I like incorperating a hobby idea,let's see,"the hockey playing tilesetter"it does have a nice ring to it,again,thanks to all,Mike:thumbsup:


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