I had a fella the other day call me up and was as pleased as punch about telling me about his newly skimmed moisture resistant PB!
"Oh yes" I replied, with that unnoticeable tone of cynicism in my voice. (Who me?)
And what material would you like affixed to your newly plastered moisture resistant PB? I asked, with eyes half closed waiting for the punch line!
"Oh 15mm marble!" He said all pleased with himself at his choice of select material.
Can't remember how long the laughter lasted, but it must have felt like an eternity on the other end of the phone.
Once I was in a position to breathe again, I calmly explained the pitfalls of applying lead weights to wallpaper, and without hesitation he said "ok, I'll rip it out, what should I replace it with, Ply?"
And on it goes, the plight of a tiler.
Whilst I admit this was written with a little artistic licence for the purpose of a little levity, I can PROMISE you, the specifics are true!
So help us God!