Hello :hurray:
Can anyone recommend good spirit level? does anyone used digital spirit level? If so are they any good?
Looking for 600mm and 1200mm
I use a self levelling and about 5000 spirit levels or every size (and keep buying more). I like Stabila and the stanley fat max. Neither are cheap but I think a levels worth getting a decent one. Havnt used the digital 1s so coulnt say.
I have broken down and purchased levels from Husky and Stanley.
I meet an old timer in a Home Depot one day years back when I was buying a new 2' level. This guy comes up to me like this
"Son, you know what your doing there?"
I'm like ya.
"You know how to pick the right one?"
I'm O.K. Thanks and I grab a little Fat Max.
"Didn't see you check that level Son, how do you know it's good and wasn't dropped by some kid yesterday."
Now I'm interested and ask him to show me what he's talking about.
He takes down 6 2' level all from Stanley and starts staking them on top of each other. A little adjustment with a shim on one side (levels stacked on display) and 5 of the 6 levels read true.
We get rid of the one that isn't. Now the 5 he starts flipping end to end and rechecks them all. One more failure - for some reason the level read different when flipped 180.
Down to 4. Tested them all upright and flipped them and they are all good.
He says "Any of these 4 are good"
I was blown away. Who would have thought to check a new level for level....
My boys check my levels everyday. We make note of sight reference spots we know are true to make checking a 10 second job. If a new level comes onto my sight I check, Plumber, Drywaller, Framer anyone. If there level is crap I ban it from the jobsite. If I see it the next day I spray the viles black or pink depending on how much I like my sub.
next time your at your building store try it. Try it with your levels you may find you have a few extra straight edges now...
Good Luck
i have always done this on buying a level, its how i was taught
your work is only ever as plumb as the level your using
i got pulled on site once by a site agent looking to stop money he was sighting in doorlinings and mine passed as I string a line through and work to that
he then checked for plumb and said they are in line but out of plumb
I was shocked and got my level out of its case and checked it
it was spot on , i showed him and told him his level was shot
he asked how i knew it was his and not mine,............ because i check mine daily
i showed him the 180% bit and his level failed
he left muttering about not being able to get decent tools and chucked it in a skip