It’s a shame as I have done a lot of work for this bloke in the past. I only get 1 or 2 jobs a year off him now. Personally I believe it is a delaying tactic, but if I had to copy receipts for adhesive from one supplier, Silicon from Topps, screws from Toolstation etc then I would spend more time collating receipts than actually tiling.
As it happens, my last adhesive buy was from the last tax year. I bought a load of gear at the beginning of April. That receipt is now filed and the file has been closed. All I could do is to send him a receipt for a brass tile trim costing £36 and a copy of the CC number.
Also, I’m not 100% confident he is paying my 20% tax contribution, and I know it is my responsibility to obtain proof of this payment, but he does not send me proof.
I am thinking this is the last time I do work for him.