Why do i need an nvq by 2010?

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just recieved my CSCS card in the post this morning and it is wite with gray band's it also has a smart chip in it,to reduce the number of fraudulent CSCS card's in circulation and a bit worrying it say's this smart chip may also be used for other application's ( sound's a bit big brother aaaaa )????? oh it's also expires in 2015 so there!!!:thumbsup: who need an NVQ :8::8::8:
my story -

ive done my ever so easy cscs card exam 3 years on the trot and each time my card was renewed for 1 year (exactly the same exam). think i paid about £25 each time .

Then i passed my nvq and so when i phoned up to book my next test as my cscs was running out, they said no exam we now send you out a cscs card and you dont have to do the exam anymore and its valid for 5 years...

you will still need to take the H&S test in 5 yrs to renew your card
Both interesting comments there, and both very right. Training centre's are fidning it hard to get the right accreditation. You'll find most of the good ones have some backing from a governing body.
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I have been informed that you can take a tiling course and do tiling jobs etc around houses/offices and once you have had around 5 years experience you can then contact an NVQ assesor who will come and asses your work and you then build up a portfolio of photographs/references and write ups of your work and you can then be NVQ qualfied.

I then also hear they are "rebranding" the NVQ name to somthing else so I don't know what to believe. City and Guilds confirmed the above, So I am going to take a 4 day tiling course and build my experience up and then arrange to be assessed for an NVQ as I am already full time employed as a floor layer and do not have the time to attend an day NVQ course as I am in work the same time the courses are ran.


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