Why do i need an nvq by 2010?

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I uesd to have a cscs on grandfather rights when they first came out, never got asked for it and let it lapse
From what I have heard this has all reversed in places like Germany

Correct me if I am wrong

They had all the very strict qualification rules but then gradualy found all the new young people couldn't be bothered to learn trades etc. They all wanted top paying jobs sitting on there backsides all day in front of a computer. What happened was the few qualified tilers (a bit like the Corgi Reg= pay me triple plumbing situation) just ripped customers off. The govenmant de-regulated the whole thing as it just was not working.

The UK is in a cycle 10 yeas behind. We will be back to where we are now in 15 years after we have decided it didn't work.
What qualification does it say that you have on the back of your card? And what colour is it? 🙂
What a read this was start to finish,conflicting opinion and prob not the last we'll hear of this subject.

But my 10pence worth is tradesmen will not be bothered with the hassle of getting an NVQ and the ones that do will be paid handsomely on site as their could be a shortage.As for the other they will just flood the domestic market and jobs will get cheaper.Benefits Joe public so they will prob not bother weather you are NVQ qualified or not.

That's my thought right or wrong
I dunno Graham, you could well be right mate – or for exactly the scenario you state it could go 100% the other way. For example, right now I can get hold of trades to work on my house or on a self build and I know they are pretty much at the same spec as the guys working on non-domestics, in fact probably better. But when the site work all comes back and the government insist only qualified (whether that be NVQ2 of whatever for tile fixers) people are allowed on sites then I have to make sure that I’m getting hold of someone good and not someone who is bidding for my work only because he cant get on site. Whether ‘good’ means ‘qualified’ is a whole different discussion thread, but the only way Joe Public and self builders are going to be able to see (and I bet self builders get classified as site within 5 years – and I think they accounted for over 25% of new builds in Britain before the economy went flip) is to ask to see some form of qualifications card. Quite honestly we all need to think bigger and not internally like this little island mentality. We complain like mad about the Polish etc coming here, but guess what, those guys will be the first going back to college to get their NVQ2 and coming back to the UK (when the recession ends) whilst we are all still moaning about it down the pub! I worked in Germany for 3 years, the standards of construction over there IMHO is general massively higher than over here, everything from how something is specified to how something is done to spec. (they had the equivalent of Part P, Part E, Part M etc years ago) We little Brits need to open our eyes and get with the program and not ignore it.
originally posted by essex tiling
it is a fact , you will not be able to get your cscs card without one and you will find it harder and harder to get on site or into domestic households without your nvq level 2 by 2010. At the moment the government is backing this and is offering funding for un qualified people to gain their nvq level 2. The funding is through train to gain and as long as you dont have any previous qualifications and under 5 gcses then it will be free of charge. Good luck and get qualified
any idea of the cost, for someone like myself, i have a levels so wont qualify for the funding, i also have a full time job as well as the tiling.


forget that, found a cscs test centre not too far from me, £25.00 for the test only, the missus can get me a copy of the study book from work gratis.

swearing removed.

Sorry about the language its makes me mad .

Anyway as i said why should someone who has a moderate inteligence and worked hard at school , not get subsdies from the government whne mr thicko does. Doesnt seem fair to me.
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my story -

ive done my ever so easy cscs card exam 3 years on the trot and each time my card was renewed for 1 year (exactly the same exam). think i paid about £25 each time .

Then i passed my nvq and so when i phoned up to book my next test as my cscs was running out, they said no exam we now send you out a cscs card and you dont have to do the exam anymore and its valid for 5 years...

just reading this lot and i am just wondering where my trade as a swimming pool finisher come's in !!! then tiling acadamy guy's please ??:thumbsup:


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