Apparently when he first launched the website one girl came forward and said he raped her. Then as that didn't get him back in the country another one has. They're girls he has slept with but with consent, and he denies raping them and they don't have much evidence to go off either. I think what's happening is Sweden (I keep saying switzerland but it's sweden I think? - I've confused myself again!) are trying to get him over there and then once he's there the USA will try to get him over their where he'll be held and questions for months as they want him to tell them his sources. Who are mostly military people I think, including Bradley Manning who's still in US military prison.
Whilst he's in the UK he won't get sent to the US. Though if he goes to sweden it's possible. So he's appealing his refusal of bail and may get out over here. If he doesn't, he'll push the fact that he thinks it's political and there is a claws in the law that enables him to be extradited that states that if it's for political reasons he doesn't have to go. So his solicitors are pushing that.
He's only gone to magistrates court so they're not really treating it seriously. I think they'd have bailed him if it wasn't a high profile case.
See what happens during the week.
Whatever happens 100,000 media corporations have encrypted copy's of ALL the documents he's ever been given and all names are in those documents, and the news will get out. All the lies we've been told and all the truth they've hidden from us. And that's a good thing IMO. 🙂
A bit of an update if you're not following it and you do give a damn :lol:
A hackers groups called Anonymous are targeting all the service providers that have pulled the plug on supplying wikileaks, Mastercard and paypal have been hit and mastercard's website (therefore their securecode service that is used when you pay with MC on any online store) is only online around 50% of the time. The group from the bulletin board 4chan (I wouldn't visit that if I were you!) have said they're doing everything they can to ensure hundreds of copy's of wikileaks (called mirror sites) are online. They're concentrating on that more than the DDoS attacks now but they will still continue to carry them out. Also the solicitor of the two women who accuse Assange of rape has had his website hacked a few times now.
4chan is an image board. But on it are the type of people who make and run botnets and other malware type stuff that use your computer in these attacks.
Julian has been released on bail and the police are keeping his passport, so I doubt he's going sweden any time soon. is another coming soon. You know Julian doesn't have a single charge against him in any country for any of the leaked documents. Openleaks will work a slightly different way in the sense that it'll become a medium of contact rather than a publisher itself. It'll be the middleman for new agencies and whistleblowers.
BBC news have changed their tune (they've probably been leant on by the government) and instead of calling wikileaks a whistleblowing website, they're now calling them "wikileaks rebels" lol
I bet the BBC has been in more whistleblowing news than wikileaks has to date. Wonder if they'd call themselves rebels.