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So basically he is going to meet some nasty blokes one day and everyone will blame the other. Is he a hero or a fool?
Yeah his clock is ticking :lol: Hopefully he'll be all right and all this will continue. I think he's a hero myself. USA don't have a leg to stand on as yet. I think countries will publicly back the US over it all, but behind the scenes they'll be really annoyed about what some of the documents state the US are saying.

The whole war thing has been corrupt from day 1 with bush, and blair kissing his back side. They were the fools to assume they're above the rest of the world, Assange is just letting us know what's really going on.
I think he is a fool. Some of the info thats come out today should not be public knowledge. I wont sleep ay differently knowing any of it but some terrorist organisations have the potential to now attack other facilities that they not have considered.
If a terrorist wanted to find out where Iraq uranium enrichment plants were, or our BAE factories, or our main ports, or the Russian (might have been german?) Gas line that's meant to be the most important in the world, I think they'd have found them even without this recent leak to be fair. Though I agree this does put in order what the US considers to be their most valuable locations and not the most valuable for the world generally. So it's arguably not that important for any other countries security.

And lets face it, if the USA was a third world country and not the leading country, would we really need a list of the most valuable locations from a military point of view, and would we actually have terrorists trying to bomb us?

This guy is doing a good thing, he's trying to point out to people that it's the US that's causing wars and they do it for their own gain and not the benefit of the world generally. And it's not just terrorists that are to blame for it all.
I think he is a fool. Some of the info thats come out today should not be public knowledge. I wont sleep ay differently knowing any of it but some terrorist organisations have the potential to now attack other facilities that they not have considered.

I'm with you.. the quicker he is stopped the better..

If something did happen in the world then the nation will say why wasn't anything done sooner... We live in a mad mad world as it is, so why make it any easier for the terrorists with this info on that site..

The guy is a LOONY and should be locked up..
He's revealing a lot of corruption within the wars too, not just the stuff the media report on quickly. If afgan civilians stop being attached by Apachi's (under direct order of their superior in command!) then it'll stop the terrorists wanting to attack the US. There's a lot we don't know about this war and we're finding out now.
corruption always has and always will be....i dont think we should be turning politics and sensitive material into some sort of reality game show real life style,some things we do not need to know about and wikileaks should have been stopped before all this went live imo
What the US are calling terrorists are not always terrorists. They're farmers and normal civilians that have had their country breached by the USA for reasons that are highly questionable. They get given a wage from the taliban and guns to protect their country. I'm not supporting the taliban here and neither do the farmers, I'm sure, but they've had their land battered with bombs and gunfire.

Releasing these cables wont make those farmers do anything different.

Its the training camps and the higher taliban leaders they need to get really.


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