If a terrorist wanted to find out where Iraq uranium enrichment plants were, or our BAE factories, or our main ports, or the Russian (might have been german?) Gas line that's meant to be the most important in the world, I think they'd have found them even without this recent leak to be fair. Though I agree this does put in order what the US considers to be their most valuable locations and not the most valuable for the world generally. So it's arguably not that important for any other countries security.
And lets face it, if the USA was a third world country and not the leading country, would we really need a list of the most valuable locations from a military point of view, and would we actually have terrorists trying to bomb us?
This guy is doing a good thing, he's trying to point out to people that it's the US that's causing wars and they do it for their own gain and not the benefit of the world generally. And it's not just terrorists that are to blame for it all.