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What are the odds that he dies in a freak 'accident' before the end of next year, I wouldnt fancy the odds if I was him, and having had the benefit of knowing all this previously secret stuff you'd think he'd be even more aware of whats likley to happen to him. I wouldnt wish death on anyone.

I think that some things should remain secret, eg the workings of the likes of MI5 and MI6. But I think that its good that the governments might have to keep themselves in check from time to time incase the info is leaked.

I dont see what purpose releasing information about how one MP from another country thinks another MP from another country is a bit of a div serves to benefit anyone though, unless you would like to see the bond between two countries weakened for some reason.
How do you look at the leaks on the wikileaks sites, can you only look at the four or five on their front page or is there an index somewhere of all of them?
Cable Viewer: Cable Viewer
Afgan War Logs: offline

Not made easy to search through but then there are a lot of files there and loads of different search demands such as by country, by organisation, by name, that sort of thing.
He has been arrested in a London Police station, looks like he has handed himself in.
What the US are calling terrorists are not always terrorists. They're farmers and normal civilians that have had their country breached by the USA for reasons that are highly questionable. They get given a wage from the taliban and guns to protect their country. I'm not supporting the taliban here and neither do the farmers, I'm sure, but they've had their land battered with bombs and gunfire.

Releasing these cables wont make those farmers do anything different.

Its the training camps and the higher taliban leaders they need to get really.

so true Dan and very insightfull
He has been arrested in a London Police station, looks like he has handed himself in.

Yeah, I think he was talking to them yesterday about how to go about this. The judge nearly gave him bail but I think he's under pressure. They're now waiting for the actual evidence from Switzerland to actually see if there's anything to go off. I think he could get deported but he'll soon be back out. Whether he gets back out or not though, as his Lawyer said, this thing is Viral now and just can't be stopped. The "history" (documents) will all be published.

He has millions froze in his swiss bank account that was setup to help defend him. So hundreds of people have offered to financially help including some well known respected people.

Hats off to him he's got more balls than me.
so true Dan and very insightfull

They're all very mislead. Watched a thing on suicide bombers and they're basically brain washed by a bloke who befriends kids or other blokes that are highly vulnerable. You still need to shoot 'em I suppose as there's no changing their ways once they've been brain washed, but the guys that are behind it all need clocking but they do well at staying out of the front line and tend to not even carry weapons etc.

Its a modern style war this and both sides are pretty intelligent despite the fact we're told they're not that powerful they do have countries supplying Al Quieda and the Taliban with S2A weapons and other pretty sophisticated weapons.

So what do the US do, just drone bomb the whole area. Clearly they get civvies, and they get annoyed, and they pick up a gun next time and fight back.

I still think we should just defend out ports and get the lads back home. And literally protect our country and let the other countries get on with their problems. We have the best Navy in the world, a really good airforce, and military commitment that's arguably the best in the world given the fact we stood helmand on our own with no US support when even the US thought we would fail. And our intelligence service may be the best but I couldn't tell you as I'm not a russian spy working for a politician :lol:


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