What are the odds that he dies in a freak 'accident' before the end of next year, I wouldnt fancy the odds if I was him, and having had the benefit of knowing all this previously secret stuff you'd think he'd be even more aware of whats likley to happen to him. I wouldnt wish death on anyone.
I think that some things should remain secret, eg the workings of the likes of MI5 and MI6. But I think that its good that the governments might have to keep themselves in check from time to time incase the info is leaked.
I dont see what purpose releasing information about how one MP from another country thinks another MP from another country is a bit of a div serves to benefit anyone though, unless you would like to see the bond between two countries weakened for some reason.
I think that some things should remain secret, eg the workings of the likes of MI5 and MI6. But I think that its good that the governments might have to keep themselves in check from time to time incase the info is leaked.
I dont see what purpose releasing information about how one MP from another country thinks another MP from another country is a bit of a div serves to benefit anyone though, unless you would like to see the bond between two countries weakened for some reason.