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thats a good point Dan but when the bbc do it its journalism in the public interest. im not sure how much of these leaks are in the public interest

he will be bailed if 250k is raised for bail, it doesnt look like extradition will happen unless its proved they have a reasonable case against him

I was chatting to my mate who flies supplies and personel in and out of Helmand , he was saying our boys are disgusted at the comments made by the us about british soldiers doing a poor job at the front, they have always known that the us are two faced now they have written proof. Helmand is in the us sector but our boys had to push on as the us werent available to take over when the taliban were pushed back out of british sector. our boys have had them pinned down for years now waiting for the us to meet the terms of the agreement made when we went in as part of nato
I'd have guessed our troops are just pawns for the US. They've even sent our lads in helmand when they though they would fail, we didn't. :thumbsup: But that's verging on murder IMO.

I think the whole leak thing is a good thing. Perhaps the openleaks one will do it better than wikileaks has. The guy setting that up seems to think he can iron out all the issues wikileaks has. Whoever does it, it's news and it's out there now so it's too late. Nothing will stop 'em.
the truth will always out

which is a good thing, if the leaks are accurate then no one can complain
I thought he would be. It could take years for him to get extradited now. So I think unless the USA use our puppet government to pull some strings somewhere then he'll continue to do his work over here.
This is all good, the guy is a hero!! And the people who leak the information are heros aswell, the tide is turning against the machine which we are all part of. The constant lies which have been fed to us by the puppets are being exposed!!! Prob too little too late though as too many of the generl public are too thick or distracted to care or do anything about what really goes on around them. .....sad, but i think something is gonna come to a head in the very near future!!...???
This is all good, the guy is a hero!! And the people who leak the information are heros aswell, the tide is turning against the machine which we are all part of. The constant lies which have been fed to us by the puppets are being exposed!!! Prob too little too late though as too many of the generl public are too thick or distracted to care or do anything about what really goes on around them. .....sad, but i think something is gonna come to a head in the very near future!!...???
even if he is guilty of assaulting women? lets wait and see
a little knowledge can do a lot of harm in the wrong hands, I'd be happy if wikileak was shut down permanently.
One of the women was an activist, and seen in pictures at a press conference. He did sleep with her but it wasn't rape. She's been told to say that IMO and the fact Julian is still here proves they don't have much evidence.

I saw on a sign somebody was holding up the words "Publishing War Crime Documents Is NOT A Crime!" - which is exactly the case here. The more the USA push the negative sides of Julian the more his supporters will get the truth out.

Palin was quoted as saying "he needs hunting down like Al-Quieda" - Silly woman. He's not broken a single law.
a little knowledge can do a lot of harm in the wrong hands, I'd be happy if wikileak was shut down permanently.

The US would carry on starting wars for oil and cash then though Doug.

90% of casualties in iran, iraq and afghanistan are civilians. They get bombed, shot at and killed for Oil. And these documents all prove that.

The longer it's all kept a secret the more it continues. IMO we need more of these websites.


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