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The US would carry on starting wars for oil and cash then though Doug.

90% of casualties in iran, iraq and afghanistan are civilians. They get bombed, shot at and killed for Oil. And these documents all prove that.

The longer it's all kept a secret the more it continues. IMO we need more of these websites.
that maybe true Dan, but a lot of things get lost in translation so to speak, John Bull here in England may mis-read something and then his ethnic minority neighbour ends up paying the price, (or vice versa). I really do believe that some things are better kept out of the public domain.
I see where you're coming from Doug but it's not the problem of Julian or his website if somebody acts on the info. I think they need to hear that it's all for nothing to get over their differences (or lack of) and get along. The problem people like EDL and the muslim activists will exist whether they know the truth or just think they do. Doesn't make a difference around here, they're rallying weekly almost.
If there's one guy that has the media in his hands, it's Julian. I don't even think the powers of governments can pressure the actual journalists that work for the BBC/CNN to knock him without also giving his side to the story. Actually, perhaps CNN lol but not the BBC.

The Guardian back Julian something rotten. That's a bridge that wont be burnt by peer pressure.
Gonna get someones backs up with this one im affraid!!, we all, in this country and America are part of an evil machine, we are stuck in it, I do feel sorry for any solders and famillies who have lost there lifes because of these ware that we have been involved in but i truley believe we are in the wrong and it has been proven to be the case!!! Its bloody mad men that rule the worl!, I'm sorry if i offend anyone
Nah I think most understand that Charlie, I wouldn't have thought anybody is offended. The soldiers get jobs to be fair to them and their families. It's just a shame full stop if you're involved in a war. One that's legal or not.

I think times are changing though. The top 5% of the world that control 95% of it's money and resources will remain. But the wars will be fought with a bit less military and a bit more behind the scenes dodgy brown envelopes in years to come.

I blame bush for it all but if somebody else was in power back then, it'd be them to blame as the IMF, General Electrical, UN and other firms that compile reports for the governments to base their actions on will always falsify the reports as they have done for years and all the wars.

Governments need to get a grip and stop being told what to do.
Nah I think most understand that Charlie, I wouldn't have thought anybody is offended. The soldiers get jobs to be fair to them and their families. It's just a shame full stop if you're involved in a war. One that's legal or not.

I think times are changing though. The top 5% of the world that control 95% of it's money and resources will remain. But the wars will be fought with a bit less military and a bit more behind the scenes dodgy brown envelopes in years to come.

Not sure about that, as long as there is money to be made by selling arms by such massive firms as the carlyle group (who are controlled by very influential people) then there will allways be actual wars.

I blame bush for it all but if somebody else was in power back then, it'd be them to blame as the IMF, General Electrical, UN and other firms that compile reports for the governments to base their actions on will always falsify the reports as they have done for years and all the wars.

Agree, i wouldent blame bush anymore than all the reporters who have guilty minds about what they helped sell the puplic by not asking the "loaded questions" that needed to be asked at the time. Clinton / Bush / Obama are all puppets and have zero control in any major events around the world

Governments need to get a grip and stop being told what to do.

Agree, but we the public need to also get a grip and bloody wake up!
Wars will always be fought and it all depends on the popular currency, I mean was oil available in 1066? naaah, it was land and fame the war mongers wanted then, pretty much the same as it is now, (throw in religion and you have an eternal triangle), sorry but I don't see how wikileak constantly stoking the fires will lead to global harmony:thumbsdown:
You're right there but at least we know the truth about what's going on. It's a bit sad to think we're lied to sooo much that you don't know what to believe. Even knowing what little has been leaked so far is making people think about it a bit more.

We shouldn't be in the dark about what's going on. If they want their Oil, lets go get it, but lets not beat about the bush, lets just go and get it and tell them we're taking it. At least we all know the score haha (that was a joke by the way).


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